I'm a very small operation and don't have half the cattle experience as some of you. For me, I play the short game buying cows and the long game on my freezer beef operation. I like buying cows that can pay for themselves quickly, mostly due to some bad experiences I've had trying to play the long game. Some those experiences were due to my lack of experience and some were due to nature and Murphy's law, either way I lost money. It's easier on your pocket book to lose a $1000 cow than it is a $2000 one. I also used to watch the guy that owned the local sale barn buy cattle for himself, rarely was he buying number 1 cattle, his herd was a mixture of mutts of all kinds that he knew would make quick money. Another guy I know that works at the sale barn is the same way, in fact more at of the guys I know who work sale barns are buying and running number 2&3 cattle. These are guys that see what cattle bring and how they perform regularly. I know some big operators running a good uniform group of cattle but most of the people I know trying to make a living at it have mutts. I don't have enough experience to say which way is right just stating my observations.