I have, for some insane reason, decided to go back into raising Holstein bull calves. I have done this for years but have never lacked help. like I do now. This morning was a typical example of how things don't get done. My husband and his employee said they would help me with banding these three day old calves before they left for their job. We got one done out of four. They held the leg so high that I couldn't get the nuts into the sack to put the band on. They were in a hurry to get going so I just gave up. All the time they were complaining about how this wasn't helping their backs. I used to have a calf cart. It was on large wheels like bicycle tires and had a small head gate type front and a back door that would open. I have searched the web to no avail to find one. Does anyone have any idea where I could find one of these? I think the cost would be about $300. If anyone has another idea of how to restain the calf so I can work alone, I'm open to suggestions.