Even in the registered cattle business the dilluter gene plays its course, and is nearly impossible to fight. I have simmentals and angus, all colors. I am aiming for black cattle to show, but i do enjoy my reds. to beat the dilluter gene we often breed red yellow brown tan or any color that is obviously dilluted, to a purebred red simmy bull, that does not carry a dilluter gene, you should get a red calf, then breed the red calf to a Black homozygous simmental bull, and you should get black. when we do it this way we get more black then when we try to beat the system, and we get fewer browns and silvers which are even less desired then red with spots. pay attention to the ancestry, but sometimes, you get totally stumped...how about a silver calf, out of a brown cow, with 2 black parents, both grand parents on each side one is red one is black...the calf sire is a red horned fullblood...calf is silver with a white face....we expected red, it happens but its rare.