:We have not had any rain to speak of a few inches here and there. We planted a garden in the middle of May it has never been realy wet from rain once, a few sprinkles. <br>: I'm sure you've all heard of the Mesa Verde fire<br>(Bircher fire) well it's just across the highway.<br>: to the point; the reason I"m writting is we are running out of pasture. We have plenty of acreage<br>but it is just too dry. My brother in law has a place with 20 shares of water,23 acres. We have already moved 22 cows over there. Heifers, steers,<br>1 heifer bull and a few cows. We still have <br>approximately 17 pairs here and a bull and a couple cows who did not calf. Can 23 acres support all these cows? if not how many? There is lots of grass and water more than we know what to do with.<br>Also we are going to take the heifer bull and a couples cows to sale.I feel like it could handle this herd the other have even made a difference in this pasture.