<br> After 45yrs. of Livestock Auctioneering in Texas,Oklahoma,Arkansas,& Louisiana, Col. Duane(Doodle)Gibbs is retiring.<br> Confirmed as one of the "Best Livestock Auuctioneers in the South"! His integrity so sound that, bankers, cattlemen, and friends have taken nothing more than his word and hand shake as contract. Doodles strong conviction to the beef cattle industry is well known in the surronding areas and states. He is retireing from Auctioneering, but will remaine in the cattle industry as a private Rancher.<br> Duane(Doodle)Gibbs, was born August 19th. 1936 to Shufford and Rena Mae Gibbs. Raised in the cattle and farm country on the banks of the Red River, at a little place called Tulip. His lineage goes back 300yrs. in the Farm Industry with out a break.<br> In 1955, Doodle completed Auctioneer School at Fort Smith, Arkansas, under the tutelage of Col.Dale Smith, whom Doodles eldest grandson is named for. The completion of the course earned him the title of Col. Duane Gibbs, Auctioneer. In the past 45yrs., Doodle worked six sales a week for over 30yrs. straight, not taking a vacation so devoted he was to Auctioneering. <br> June of 1956 Doodle married Mary Jan Kueckelhan, daughter of Howard and Nell Kueckelhan of Bonham,Texas. They have a daughter Kae and a son Jacky. Jan has been by Doodles side as a devoted wife,mother and partner these past 44yrs. Doole and Jan are grandparents of Dale, Julie, and Gerald Chaffin, Cody and Carson Gibbs: great grandparents of Tyler Duane, Mary Elain and Paty Cooper:father and mother in-laws of Bob Chaffin, Robin Gibbs and Terence Cooper.For Doodle and Jan, God comes first, but they are "devoted" to their family!<br> Any of you out there who know or remember Doodle Gibbs, you are invited to write and send your congratulation to him and his family at the address below. Those of you who would like to come and help us celebrate on the 17th. of June contact the second address, e-mail or fax# below. If you want to come for the Party, you must contact me at second address below no later than June 3rd.2000. The Gibbs Ranch, Family welcome those of you who know and remember my Father.<br>Mail Congratulation to: Doodle and Jan GIbbs<br> RRt.1,Box68<br> Ivanhoe,TX.75447<br>To help us Celebrated, contact:<br> Kae Gibbs Chaffin<br> RRt.1,Box70<br> Ivanhoe,Tx.75447<br> [email protected]<br> Fax#(501)421-4334
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