Question for the men. Man to man

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OK - let me go a little further. Here is a good one. Easy to install. No electrical or hot water plumbing required. The down side is no warm water. - no dryer. Water in winter IS an eye opener but you get over the initial, heart stopping blast. Benefits are one swipe with TP to dry off. The better ones have a stream that can act as an enema to pry out that one lodged in the chamber. Everyone I have told about this thanked me profusely. Greatest thing since sliced bread. These things I know - cattle - not so much.
Once you try this you'll have much more time for working cows and will probably make me Double Secret Vice President of CT.

Worked in the woods for enough years to have used many things. An assortment of leafs. I find Broad leaf Maple to be the best. Cottonwood is probably second. Moss, but must not be dried out moss. Sort of moist with no sticks grown into it. Anyone who lives in snow country can tell you how fast snow can clean off your hands. Not the dry powder snow. Snow that will make a decent snowball will clean things right up. But folded up paper towels are preferred. They take the abuse of being in your pocket much better than TP.
anyone have experience to share regarding success/use of

feral hog bait?
Probably work about as good as Rafter S's handful of salt at the start of this post. :sneaky: But if you're a little bit lucky, you might be able to lure one of those feral razorbacks to run through underneath... and if you get your height adjustment just right, them "razors" ought to be able to cut just about any dingleberries hanging there away in just one pass!
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that's a great idea, thanks.
however, (on a brief change of topic) i was asking about
real bait for the removal of real hogs. they can even tear
up a road). i am still new at this, i haven't figured how to
start a nother topic. now to return to the original post.
that's a great idea, thanks.
however, (on a brief change of topic) i was asking about
real bait for the removal of real hogs. they can even tear
up a road
). i am still new at this, i haven't figured how to
start a nother topic. now to return to the original post.
Oh, trust me, these never stick to one topic! They'll meander from one end of the earth to the other. To be clear, if those razorbacks can tear up a road, they'll surely have no problem with clearing out a few dingleberries! Hardest part will be getting your aim right as one is running through... might be a good idea to get some of those dog runnin' hog hunters to get 'em movin' and headed in your direction... maybe set up some woven wire fence to help... sounds like they work with that pretty well. If you got a whole herd of 'em to run through underneath, you'd probably end up shiny smooth and clean as a whistle!

Was that "brief" enough for ya? :LOL:
that's a great idea, thanks.
however, (on a brief change of topic) i was asking about
real bait for the removal of real hogs. they can even tear
up a road). i am still new at this, i haven't figured how to
start a nother topic. now to return to the original post.
Not to get off topic; soak shell corn in grape cool aid. Put it in a hollow stump so they have to work at getting it.
But they'll eat anything.
Probably work about as good as Rafter S's handful of salt at the start of this post. :sneaky: But if you're a little bit lucky, you might be able to lure one of those feral razorbacks to run through underneath... and if you get your height adjustment just right, them "razors" ought to be able to cut just about any dingleberries hanging there away in just one pass!
I laughed so hard I got the hiccups!
that's a great idea, thanks.
however, (on a brief change of topic) i was asking about
real bait for the removal of real hogs. they can even tear
up a road). i am still new at this, i haven't figured how to
start a nother topic. now to return to the original post.
Here's a good thread devoted to what you are interested in.

Travlr::: thanks, would never have found it otherwise
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