Question for the ladies. Woman to Woman

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And that right there is the point. The symptom is obesity, and over-weight. Why is "over-weight" a problem? Because it is the indicator of a whole host of long-term health problems... like heart disease, and cancers, and diabetes, etc. And the list goes on. The "over-weight" is a symptom of something else that's "off"... the DIET. But we can't get "people" to have the willingness to improve their diet... so we treat the symptom, with a drug.

All of us on CT know that it doesn't really matter much what the genetics of a critter is... if we can get them to consume enough "energy", we WILL be able to fatten them up... some more than others genetically. But ALL will fatten, with the right diet consumed in enough quantity... unless they're sickly. How will we entice them to consume more energy? By using the same tactics that food manufacturers use to get consumers to consume more of THEIR products... sugars in various forms, and concentration of energy per bite via sugars (use lots of grain like "corn"... high starch, which is converted into sugars... instead of grasses, for example). It doesn't have to be healthy, it just has to be enticing. Blend a little molasses into a feed that's otherwise not so enticing, and the cattle will devour it. (And shouldn't we be asking ourselves... is it really "healthy" for our animals to be "fat"? And should I be choosing to eat an animal that would qualify as "fat/obese", or would I be better off consuming a critter that's "excellently fit", and "the picture of health"?)

THAT is what is wrong with our diet today. It's not "nutrient dense", but instead, it's "calorie dense and starch and sugar dense". And few are willing to have enough initiative and willpower to change that for themselves. Many are unwilling to even admit that they have a problem. Instead, they'll just "take a pill" or "a shot", and WOW, I lost weight! VOILA!
Well ya know... I've tried thumping my head against brick walls too... and in the end it's better for me to be realistic and understand that mine is not the only way that things work. If people are eating and won't change their habits, and something else makes them lose weight and have less appetite so they are healthier, it's not up to me to dictate their methods. And it's okay to let a business make a profit on people's lack of control.
This thread is titled Question for the ladies Woman to Woman. You guys just can't stay away, can you. :)

Concerning hormone replacement therapy. It has something to do with the dose. A minuscule amount applied to a certain private area is not like taking a 2mg per day pill every day. The joy of life it restores is certainly worth it. Women on HRT or not are supposed to do a self breast exam every month. Sometimes their husbands help.

Here is a funny thing. I was the nurse assigned to a little old lady. I went in to introduce myself. I liked to ask new patients and take a brief health history from their point of view. There she was in bed with her covers pulled up to her glasses. Thick lenses that enlarged her eyes.

Honey, she says, I have furniture disease.

Oh! I said, did you hurt yourself moving furniture?
No, she said, That's when your chest falls into your drawers.
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I use Working Hands Night Treatment on my hands and pat some on my face every night. It's powerful stuff. And yes my husband buys it for his own use.
The HRT thing is the same as alot of the medical industry, and the agricultural industry functions... attempting to "treat" a naturally occurring phenomenom's symptom, with reductionist science. Short term "improvements", but with what side effects, and long term detriment? I personally believe that the weight loss drugs will be the same, as will the ED drugs. Only looking at the immediate, not been out long enough, used in this way, to even begin to know the long term "costs". Nothing is ever "free".
Posted this too quick. I'll be right back.
The HRT thing is the same as alot of the medical industry, and the agricultural industry functions... attempting to "treat" a naturally occurring phenomenom's symptom, with reductionist science. Short term "improvements", but with what side effects, and long term detriment? I personally believe that the weight loss drugs will be the same, as will the ED drugs. Only looking at the immediate, not been out long enough, used in this way, to even begin to know the long term "costs". Nothing is ever "free".
There's a lot going on here...

You can't compare menopause with obesity. Every woman will experience menopause if she lives long enough. Thanks to modern science, most women will live long enough. No amount of diet or exercise will change that. HRT has been studied since the 1960s, longer than I've been alive, and I'm old enough to qualify for it. I would say that's long enough for a person to make a reasonable decision about whether or not it's right for them.

And it's not as if the medical and pharmaceutical industries are pushing it out the door like they have Ozempic or the "little blue pills." Instead, they have been gatekeeping it due to the risk of one particular cancer, which says to women suffering multiple chronic conditions that we aren't able to make autonomous decisions regarding our health care. I will gladly risk the low odds of getting breast cancer from combined HRT therapy for the near guarantee that I won't have progressive and debilitating health problems for the next thirty-five or so years. HRT has been found to reduce the occurrence of colon cancer by 40%, which makes it even more attractive as a treatment for me because I am already at risk for colon cancer and had a mass of pre-cancer cells removed last year.

I don't even know how to include ED in this discussion. As far as I know, it's either a naturally occurring phenomenon or the symptom of more significant health issues. I don't believe that ED causes other medical conditions. As for the treatment of ED, I would have the pills scheduled as a controlled substance only available to men with a notarized statement of permission from their significant other. But that's just me.

Sadly, I have to admit that the lack of self-awareness demonstrated by the men dominating a conversation among women is not at all astonishing. Gentlemen, this 🏆 is your participation trophy.
But if "we" don't use it, we're accused of "letting ourselves go."
Not in my house. I tried for years to get my wife to quit using make-up because she is naturally made up. Her cheeks are naturally rosy, her eyes naturally pale, and her skin is wonderful. There is nothing make-up can do for her. I finally got her to stop and she looks great every day without sitting in front of a mirror.

And all this artificial crap, botox caterpillar lips, and silicone breasts and cheeks and even butts and thighs is just gross. Tattoo eyeliner, magic marker eyebrows...ewwwww. And how men are attracted to fake boobs and spackle is beyond me.

And thanks for the trophy. With all the women around screaming that they want to be treated as equals... but it's not cool when men have anything to say... I'll take it and smile.
It looks best on older ladies to just use a little natural color rouge and pink lipstick. Not the dark eyeliner, base makeup and powder, heavy dark eyebrows and the whole 9 yards. It looks fake and hard. But just the rosy cheeks and pink lips, nothing wrong with it if it makes her feel better.
Ladies and Germs (something that W.C. Fields used to say) How about we take this discussion over to the private PM department. Cant PM work with multiple messengers?
I'm REALLY late to this discussion. Wow. Lots going on.
Cleaning face....... water, olay face scrub once every now and then and a wash cloth. Summertime face sunscreen. Some make up can look really pretty and I'm amazed how it can change a face. But I have two left hand and no patience to deal with all those different creams, brushes, colours, mirror and time. Does that mean I let myself go? Not sure.

I'm against this whole ozempic crap weight loss. There is of course the exception, but to use something chemical, which was meant to help diabetes patients, to shed weight......there is something wrong with this society when skin and bones are the beauty ideal.

Menopause, a lot of people, women and men, think it's only night sweats and not being able to sleep etc. But it's really not only that. Brain function, muscle pain, depression, loss of 'you know that' drive, etc. If a woman has a rough time with all that HRT can change quality of daily life. But that decision to take it........ I went through it, first I said no, because of the possible risks. Changed my mind because I couldn't function right. Went on it, 2 years later had a 'boob scare', went off of it. Surgery, benign, surgeon says growth had nothing to do with HRT, back on it I went. Risks versus benefit, some decisions weigh heavy on the mind. Some people I guess don't care or think it through enough.

Anyway. Men, carry on discussing, sure the original post was woman to woman, but what the heck. Personally I appreciate men joining the discussion and as long as it isn't rude or derogatory, which can come from female too, why not see what the 'other side' thinks.
Let 'em read without the few snide remarks although this does inhibit our discussion. Women are mysterious to men after all.

The dose for oral estradiol is 2mg a day seven days a week. Thats 14mg a week. The dose for the 'topical' (wink) is 0.1mg six days a week.. Thats a measly 0.6mg a week. Hardly dangerous and effect on marital relations is . . . . well, you know . :)

I took the 2mg oral dose when I was going through the change which was awful. This was much improved. Then tapered to 1mg, then stopped. A few years later I discussed with my doctor and he put me on this estradiol cream. I don't think women are supposed to live without estrogen but now we live so long that biology pulls the rug out from under us. How would men like it if their testosterone suddenly disappeared?
Not in my house. I tried for years to get my wife to quit using make-up because she is naturally made up. Her cheeks are naturally rosy, her eyes naturally pale, and her skin is wonderful. There is nothing make-up can do for her. I finally got her to stop and she looks great every day without sitting in front of a mirror.

And all this artificial crap, botox caterpillar lips, and silicone breasts and cheeks and even butts and thighs is just gross. Tattoo eyeliner, magic marker eyebrows...ewwwww. And how men are attracted to fake boobs and spackle is beyond me.

And thanks for the trophy. With all the women around screaming that they want to be treated as equals... but it's not cool when men have anything to say... I'll take it and smile.
I'm not a natural beauty so I still wear makeup (not a lot). There's no denying my age and I've earned my wrinkles. Recently had a sorority reunion and soooo many have "had work". Well, their faces look fabulous but one look at their neck, game over. But if it makes them happy, who am I to judge?

And I don't judge any woman that goes on HRT. I was just lucky and sweat it out. Didn't notice any other effects.

The trophy? You earned it, as well as all the other men that have participated. I suspect the majority of you are married (or have been) and can offer insight, even vicariously because of the women in your lives.
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Not in my house. I tried for years to get my wife to quit using make-up because she is naturally made up. Her cheeks are naturally rosy, her eyes naturally pale, and her skin is wonderful. There is nothing make-up can do for her. I finally got her to stop and she looks great every day without sitting in front of a mirror.
I am sending a screenshot of this to your wife. You can put my check in the mail. ;)
How would men like it if their testosterone suddenly disappeared?
They wouldn't like it, but they could take a pill to relieve the most common complaint.

"I must be getting old and losing my testosterone," a fella said to me the other day. He's a married guy who has no problem mentioning to me often that he doesn't get enough sex and the lack in distressing, so I knew where he was going with that statement and let it lie there. But he went on anyway, "I don't think about girls or sex as often as I used to." He was appalled when I suggested that was a good thing because if he's not thinking about it, it must not be causing him distress. Rather than live in peace, relieved of the burden of unfulfilled desire, he is wondering what he should take that will give him back his "want to."

Can someone make that make sense to me, please? Can a man help me understand that?
They wouldn't like it, but they could take a pill to relieve the most common complaint.

"I must be getting old and losing my testosterone," a fella said to me the other day. He's a married guy who has no problem mentioning to me often that he doesn't get enough sex and the lack in distressing, so I knew where he was going with that statement and let it lie there. But he went on anyway, "I don't think about girls or sex as often as I used to." He was appalled when I suggested that was a good thing because if he's not thinking about it, it must not be causing him distress. Rather than live in peace, relieved of the burden of unfulfilled desire, he is wondering what he should take that will give him back his "want to."

Can someone make that make sense to me, please? Can a man help me understand that?
Understand what part?

Remember when you said the men didn't know any thing about the women's issues on here. Well, here is yours, 🏆, for the few comments you have made amount men, so far.

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