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I need some info on how to establish a purebred herd.<br>I have a cross-bred herd and I am wondering if or how<br>I can breed them to a limousin or angus to establish<br>a pure-bred. I am a fairly newcomer to the cattle <br>business and I need all the info I can get. Any info<br>will be appreciated.
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[email protected]
David, there is no "purebred" status in Angus. You get a registered Angus by breeding two registered Angus. Otherwise, they are just Angus cross cattle. You might check out the Limousin web site at http://www.nalf.org and see if there is information there. I think there are several "levels" of registration in that breed. <p><br>: I need some info on how to establish a purebred herd.<br>: I have a cross-bred herd and I am wondering if or how<br>: I can breed them to a limousin or angus to establish<br>: a pure-bred. I am a fairly newcomer to the cattle <br>: business and I need all the info I can get. Any info<br>: will be appreciated.<p>
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[email protected]
I breed registered limos. If you breed your cows to a registered limo bull you will get percentage "purebred" limos. If the bull is 90%, your cows would be considerd 0%. Add the 2 together and divide by 2. So you would get 45% calves. I must say though that you probably wouldn't find much of a market for those calves but if you kept the heifers and rebred them again you would start to push those percentages up.Genrally the lowest percentages we see routinely are in the high 80's. In the limo breed we have purebreds as well as fullbloods. The fullbloods can trace their roots back to the original herd book in France, and as such are the only limos that are considered 100%.Hope this helped you out a bit.<br>Janet<p>
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[email protected]
Janet, at what percentage can a Limousin be registered? Are there different types of registration? Thanks...<br>
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[email protected]
Frankie you made me think about this one so much so that I got out all my info from the Canadian Limousin Asscoiation. What I have says that to register a fullblood both parents must trace directly back to the French Limousin Herd Book either through DNA genotyping or blood typing. A purebred is an animal with 90% or greater limousin blood. Cattle below 90% are registered as percentage animals with the lowest percent being registerable is 37.5%(38%) limousin blood. The lowest percentage limousin sire that can be used is 75%. You really made me think about this one because I only deal in purebreds and fullbloods...Hope this answered the question Frankie<br>Janet<p> Janet, at what percentage can a Limousin be registered? Are there different types of registration? Thanks...<p>
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[email protected]

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