# purebred cattle

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Does any one have any idea how many active registered females there are in the U.S. in each of the top 10 beef breeds or the number of registrations each breed does each year. We all know Black Angus are the most numerous what about Red Angus and the rest? This could take a while but Thanks.
Go look up all the associations and I'm sure you can find the information.
The American Angus Association registered 281,965 cattle this past year. That's almost 4% more than last year. That info is online at <A HREF="http://www.angus.org" TARGET="_blank">www.angus.org</A> site in their "Annual Report." Total number of registered animals would be a bit tricky. The only way they come off the book is when the owner sends the papers back to the Association. I do that when an animal dies or goes to the sale barn, but don't know that everyone does. We transfer papers when we sell a bull, but doubt that the commercial cowman takes the time to send the papers into the Association when he salvages that bull in several years. Hope you get responses on the other breeds....

> there are in the U.S. in each of
> the top 10 beef breeds or the
> number of registrations each breed
> does each year. We all know Black
> Angus are the most numerous what
> about Red Angus and the rest? This
> could take a while but Thanks.

[email protected]
Thanks Frankie thats an impressive number and an indicator of the demand for Black Angus cattle. Does any one else have numbers for some of the other breeds.

Jena checking the various breed websites sure makes sense if you have the time. Its -28C here this morning and we have just started calving. It was +5C a couple of days ago but they coudn't start then.

We had 5 calves yesterday, 2 last night and 30 or so due in the next week. That's why I wondered if anyone had easier access to the numbers. Don't want to start a war. Just curious and making decisions on which way to direct our own breeding program.
If my memory is correct, Gelbvieh are the 7th or 8th largest in number of cattle registered annually in North America. According to the July 2002 issue of Gelbvieh World, between 8/1/00 and 7/31/01 there were 29,717 head of Gelbviehs registered with the American Gelbvieh Assn.

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