purchased a young Angus bull

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Jun 13, 2004
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Brookfield, MO
I was wondering if you'll could give me your honest opinion about the bull I bought, his EPD's are BW.+2.0 WW.+38 MILK +18 YW.+75 YH.+.8 all at .05% His registation # is 14652441.
I'm new to this board, and it seems most of you'll know what your talking about so I figured I would give this board a try.
It all depends on what you are using him on or what results you want--but I like all his epd's except for the +.8 yearling height-- I like a number about 0 or - in height since most angus are tending to get too big. Not much in his pedigree showing his carcass quality. And with 5% accuracy, things could vary a great deal.

He would be an OK bull to put on a set of commercial cattle- would work good as a range bull in this country. If his birthweight is below 80lbs, he would work OK on heifers with +2 BW epd.
Thanks for responding to my post. The breeder told me that the bulls BW was 75lbs and his weaning weight was 760lbs. We weighed the bull when I bought him and he weighed 883lbs on June 1st, and he will used on a commercial herd.
I prwtty much agree with Oldtimer. His EPD's are OK for the most part.
There are no carcass EPD's showing, bt there are good cattle in his background. Some people are getting a little carried away on carcass EPD's and are forgetting that we still need maternal traits in the females.
Thats a good weaning weight- although weaning weights can vary greatly due to location and range conditions. He has about a perfect birthweight for me- I am getting lazier as I get older and don't care to pull calves much. I like those little calves that come on their own and are up in a couple minutes sucking. Rather have a live 70 lb calf than a dead 100 lb calf.

His epd's are even and balanced- nothing way too high or low. I like the fact that his milk epd's aren't too high- should produce decent heifers that could go on and raise a calf. Some of the bulls anymore ( with the +30+milk epd's) produce heifers that just put too much into their calves and don't breed back.
Sackrey":1233e91j said:
I was wondering if you'll could give me your honest opinion about the bull I bought, his EPD's are BW.+2.0 WW.+38 MILK +18 YW.+75 YH.+.8 all at .05% His registation # is 14652441.
I'm new to this board, and it seems most of you'll know what your talking about so I figured I would give this board a try.
Couple of quick observations - Born in July??? Many progressive breeders are moving to summer calving to get away from the problems of calving out of sync with nature though July is on the outter limits of this- others with June/July calves are because the cows would not breed or just left the bull in year round. This tells you a lot about the dam side if she is a slow breeder. New Trend cattle have been promoted heavily in MO by Sydendstricker - but they have proven to be a little high maintenance for me in Fescue country also too much hair for my taste. Also throw in the Grubbs Mackenzee and stackers high BW it makes some of the "name brand bulls a little suspect to me, like Pine tar - never had many low maint cows with him in the line. Good points - Sire and Dam seem to be somewhat similiar in epd's so you should get what you see - not some fire and ice problems. traveler 1148 should compensate for some of the above evils, plus the ext - bando additions to the pedigree. Noticed the bull was not transferred to you yet - no problems(yet)- the breeder has 30 days from sale date to get that done at the lowest cost. Those wean weights could indicate a pretty big bull or a well fed bull- so I would use him more as a terminal bull with few heifers retained as replacements. He is coming up on a year of age - how has he been handled - that 800+ weight is not following with the wean weight.
Sackrey":36fwvo0z said:
I was wondering if you'll could give me your honest opinion about the bull I bought, his EPD's are BW.+2.0 WW.+38 MILK +18 YW.+75 YH.+.8 all at .05% His registation # is 14652441.
I'm new to this board, and it seems most of you'll know what your talking about so I figured I would give this board a try.

Looks good on paper. I'm under the impression that you bought him as a weaned calf or a yearling? If so, be sure to get him fertility checked before you put him to work. I really like his pedigree. Krugerrand has always been a favorite of mine, as is Right Time. We used Neutron 377 some last year and were pleased with the calves. Good luck with him....
lARRY, Thanks for your input, the bull is going to halter broke by a mammoth jack starting next week but other than that he comes to feed well. About the 800+ weight what should he weight now he will be 12 months on July 29th.
Frankie, I bought the bull about a month ago for 1000 dollars do you think that a bad deal, also the breeder is going to transfer him when we get him semen checked at 14 months. The breeder said that he'll transfer him then, cause if the bull is bad he'll take him back and give me my money back. Thanks for all you'll responses.
Sackrey":8236u1m2 said:
Sorry, Larry Sansom I messed your name up inthe last post
I would hope he was over 1,000 at a year - only 40 days or so from now. The bull shouldn't need halter breaking unless you just want that - doubt you will be showing him. That wean weight - can be deceptive. Is that Adjusted 205? Or is it when he decided to wean the bull and weigh him? Some people get nice wean weight to brag about - only to find that the calf is 10+ months old rather than 205 days.
You can halter break him even if you aren't showing. Angus cattle tend to be easier to break than most.
if your not showing him halter breaking him is pointless. no need to let him think he needs to follow you around and that you are competition which happens with some halter broke bulls.
I'd be questioning that yearling weight big time. He should be (as a poster said) at least 1000. At 800 he doesn't carry "enough" to get him through breeding season. His light weight may also indicate a sickness - have your vet do a thorough exam when semen testing/ scrotal measurement. Sorry but even with the pedigree and EPD info looking decent, I wouldn't use him with that kind of yearling weight.

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