In the early grazing with LUSH quickly growing grasses, the cattle can get too much protein just from the grass. We have that problem every year. The excess protein produces too much amonia in their system, and changes the PH in the uterus making it unable to get pregnant. The cattle are EXTEMELY healthy and cycling great. We alway know when we had too much protein, because if you go back to a field they had been in (we use rotational grazing), you will find brown burnt grass in a two foot circle - all over the pasture. The cattle urinate with the high amonia and it kills the grass. We have tried to confine our herd at night with dry poorer hay, to dilute the intake of protein. Helps, but doesn't eliminate the problem. We AI 100%, and I can look back in my records and I will have about 5 days that nothing settled. It usually coincides with the field with brown spots. Jeanne
> Jason!!!! Thank you!!! We were
> kinda figuring something was goin
> on with the liquid supplement. The
> critters would make pigs of
> themselves, cuz it would be too
> sweet, and then be out for several
> days. Our supplier would sour it
> up, but we sorta thought that it
> would be dang near impossible to
> get it just right. We always did
> well with the blocks, but cuz of
> the drought, we were talked into
> using the liquid. Our breeding
> pasture was in too good of shape
> for too high of protein
> supplement, I think. Lesson
> learned the hard way ,but lesson
> learned well. Thanks again!!!!
Simme Valley in NY
[email protected]