Problems with neighbors dogs...

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Nov 29, 2018
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AITA?? Neighbor down the road has kept different LGDs since I moved in in 2012. Doesn't take care of them as all, they barely get enough to eat. They try and raid my cats food so I had to build them a shed with a small cat flap to get in and out. They go back and forth across the road to his pastures to guard his cattle. The female Anatolian was killed by a car or truck last week. The male is an unfixed killing machine. His wife bought a tiny Chihuahua puppy for her grandbaby and the guard dog, also an Anatolian tore thru the fenced yard and killed it the first day. She bought another one and he killed that one 2 days later. My dogs are enclosed in a 6 foot chain link, locked fence and are fixed so they are OK. But this dog now thinks my property is his and wants to mark it. He has **** on my brand new tractor, 2 times, once on the brush hog and once on the tractor itself. He shits on my porch, my steps, my carport and even jumped into the bed of the truck and **** there. I put game cameras up so I know whose dog it is. The neighbors response is "dogs will be dogs". I don't want to kill him, so I put up a couple of driveway alarms so if he tries to sneak up, I know. I keep an air rifle by the door and have popped him the in keister a few times. He tries to mess with my free range poultry, my pot bellied pig, my fixed feral cats I take care of and my horses. The mini donkey has clipped him a couple of times but he comes back. I am at the point of SSS for this damn dog. I won't go out without my gun in my belt or pocket cause he has taken to thinking I am on his property and has gotten his hackles up and growled. Again, neighbor just shrugs. Guess I will do what I have to do. I won't wait until he tries to go after me or my animals.
I'm not Anita? but will reply just the same.

Neighbor down the road has kept different LGDs since I moved in in 2012.
LGD = Loss Given Default and is the amount of money a financial institution loses when a borrower defaults on a loan
(after taking in any consideration any recovery) represented as a percentage of total exposure at time of loss.

Well that makes no sense, so you must mean Lesbian Great Danes.

They try and raid my cats food so I had to build them a shed with a small cat flap to get in and out.
So you built a cat house? You're a small business owner?!? Congrats, where are you located?
You didn't list the state in your sign up profile, but given all of the clues I'm guessing Arkansas?

The neighbors response is "dogs will be dogs". I don't want to kill him, so....
Not desiring to kill your neighbor.... well, that rules out being a Texan :)

Good luck finding your friend Anita. But after more than 10 years of complaining to your neighbors, I doubt she'll be of much help.
Since you didn't ask for any advice and only wanted to vent, good luck with your veiled threat of "doing what I have to do."
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It sounds like your neighbor is a slow learner, buying 3 chihuahua for it to kill and the dog isn't much better coming back for more air rifle pellets. I think I would be getting the hole ready. All the best for doing what you have to do.
I was tossing up suggesting you do it up front and telling them it was in self defence but these situations can turn nasty, I think the silent treatment is the way to go, dead is dead either way.

AITA?? Neighbor down the road has kept different LGDs since I moved in in 2012. Doesn't take care of them as all, they barely get enough to eat. They try and raid my cats food so I had to build them a shed with a small cat flap to get in and out. They go back and forth across the road to his pastures to guard his cattle. The female Anatolian was killed by a car or truck last week. The male is an unfixed killing machine. His wife bought a tiny Chihuahua puppy for her grandbaby and the guard dog, also an Anatolian tore thru the fenced yard and killed it the first day. She bought another one and he killed that one 2 days later. My dogs are enclosed in a 6 foot chain link, locked fence and are fixed so they are OK. But this dog now thinks my property is his and wants to mark it. He has **** on my brand new tractor, 2 times, once on the brush hog and once on the tractor itself. He shits on my porch, my steps, my carport and even jumped into the bed of the truck and **** there. I put game cameras up so I know whose dog it is. The neighbors response is "dogs will be dogs". I don't want to kill him, so I put up a couple of driveway alarms so if he tries to sneak up, I know. I keep an air rifle by the door and have popped him the in keister a few times. He tries to mess with my free range poultry, my pot bellied pig, my fixed feral cats I take care of and my horses. The mini donkey has clipped him a couple of times but he comes back. I am at the point of SSS for this damn dog. I won't go out without my gun in my belt or pocket cause he has taken to thinking I am on his property and has gotten his hackles up and growled. Again, neighbor just shrugs. Guess I will do what I have to do. I won't wait until he tries to go after me or my animals.
If your county has Animal Control call them. Sometimes a visit from them can help for a while but at least you have a record of complaints if something happens and it ends up in court..
It sounds like you are scared of this dog. That there says that you need to do something before someone gets bit by this dog. If someone was to get bit by this dog you could be reliable because he is on your property. I would get he sheriff involved.
Stop sniveling, stop telling others what you "might" do. Take care of the problem.
Whether it is "Dog Control" or "your control".
AITA?? Neighbor down the road has kept different LGDs since I moved in in 2012. But this dog now thinks my property is his and wants to mark it. I am at the point of SSS (what is SSS?) for this damn dog. I won't go out without my gun in my belt or pocket cause he has taken to thinking I am on his property and has gotten his hackles up and growled. Again, neighbor just shrugs.
If your county has Animal Control call them. Sometimes a visit from them can help for a while but at least you have a record of complaints if something happens and it ends up in court..
The problem with notifying the "authorities" is that by contacting the neighbor the bad actor neighbor will assume contact was instigated by you. But... having an official record established can also be useful. Six of one ad a half dozen of the other, in my opinion.

I'd dig a hole and shoot any dog you know comes from their place... quietly. Some suggested aspirin in a hot dog and that would mean you don't need a hole. I've also trapped dogs and taken them to the county shelter. The shelters usually know the issues involved and are discreet but that's a chance you take. It doesn't sound like the neighbor would go looking for their dog.

And acronyms suck...
LGD is for Livestock Guardian Dog... it is very commonly used.... just like many of us use AI and now AI is thought of as Artificial Intelligence rather than Artificial Insemination.....
That said, Anatolians are one of the most protective and most aggressive of the LGD breeds.

If you aren't willing to call the animal control/sherriff's office or other authority then you need to shoot it. SSS.... Dog's will not be dog's when they are threatening to neighbors.

He never would have gotten that far here with me.... he'd have been dead long ago....
My dog, on your property, MY problem, but if I don't take care of it, you should.
Their dog, on your property THEIR problem but if they won't take care of it, you should.
Told my neighbors back East Texas that if my dog shows up on their property and causes problems, shoot it. Just give me a call afterwards so I can come get it and bury it proper.
I'd hate it happened, but I wouldn't hate them for doing it.
(I've killed way more dogs than Walt Disney did)
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