Problem feet maybe??

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Cathy, my farrier (who is honestly the best I've had in 40+ years of owning horses) says it's a habit - he finds no sign of any unsoundness or any discomfort. Hopefully, you'll get the same news for your horse.

This same Thoroughbred mare will stand at the stall door and paw a hole to China until you dump her feed. Again, the 2 year old and the yearling by this mare do the same thing. Can't wait to see how long it takes before the 3 week old filly picks it up, too! :D
Well the farrier was here, when I told him about it he said it was just habbit.
Then he went to working on her feet and found that someone had done a "quick hack job" just before selling her, very uneven and dips and gullys so to speak all around the outside edges of the hoofs. He was not able to trim anything off just file, I stood there and watched him, he ran the
file across one time and there were the pink lines (don't know correct termanoligy)
He asked how she rode my son said she wants to go to the side of the rode or into the ditch all the time. Farrier recommended shoes but can't put them on untill her hoofs grow out even enough to make them flat on the bottom, he said keep her on the soft ground, don't ride her on the gravel untill she gets shoes on, that she has sore feet. we wait another 2/3 weeks for shoes, he figures he will be able to do something with her by then.

She stood still like a statue for the man, (unlike my other mare)
Sounds like a "homemade" trim job - people should stick with what they know. Please keep us posted on this. I'll be interested to see if she continues picking her feet up while she eats after she's had enough time to recover from being sore. With my mare, it's either habit or she's been sore-footed for 18 years! :p
Horses move while they graze. Eating out of a trough,they still have the instinct to move. Count your blessings,some paw so much they dig holes,or wear their hoofs down..
Well the vet came out and gave vaccines to the horses, He said she looks great and that there is nothing to worry about.
She needs some groceries which I am giving her, but it is going to take time. Gonna have the ferrior out the end of next week to shoe her. If I ever figure out how to use my digital camera to put pictures on her I will post them of my 4 girls.
Well here is the latest on our mare...

Ferrior was here today to shoe her and by golly he says her feet are in excellant condition! He doesn't think she needs shoes now that they have grown out some, she is not flat footed any longer the heel of the hoof has grown and the veins are no longer visible. She is walking just great matter of fact she wants to trot and run all the time..I am so happy we found her, she has made a different kid out of my son.

As for her lifting her feet, she only does it while she is eating grain. It doesn't matter if she is in the corral or out tied to the hitching post, she only lifts the front feet one at a time, closes her eyes part way and tilts her head a bit. I think it is only a sign of happiness.

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