> I have a horse who is 3 days
> overdue..thats ok but she has been
> Waxing and discharging milk for a
> week now.. i kept the milk and
> froze it to keep the beestings but
> she still wont foal....any
> advice?????? John, it sounds like your new at this. Everyone has to start somewhere. First if shes been dripping that long, I would suggest you look for some Colostrum. Your mare may or may not have enough for the foal.An IGG test will might be a good idea after the foal is born. Are you watching her at night?Is she in a stall or outside? What else is she doing? I woulgn't worry, she is going to have a Colt most likely, most mares do when running late. Not that 3 days is late.But.I have heard of and seen mares drip milk for weeks to even a month.Thats why I suggest the Colostrum. She will foal when shes ready.
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