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There's a guy up the road from me that keeps a short haired dog on a chain 24/7/365. He has a metal box with blankets, completely open on one side and a lip on the box so if any moisture blows in it accumulates in the blankets. I delivered a nice doghouse full of corn husk bedding and the guy set it up so the door was slanted up and any rain would be more likely to come in. I don't get people that own dogs and keep them constantly chained.
Shew! You and me both! Makes me want to leave the owner chained up on a cold night with just a light blanket.
There's a guy up the road from me that keeps a short haired dog on a chain 24/7/365. He has a metal box with blankets, completely open on one side and a lip on the box so if any moisture blows in it accumulates in the blankets. I delivered a nice doghouse full of corn husk bedding and the guy set it up so the door was slanted up and any rain would be more likely to come in. I don't get people that own dogs and keep them constantly chained.
One can only hope that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, those folks come back as the dogs that are chained up.
Came home from beef producer annual meeting around 10pm. All lights had been on all evening (and thru night) - we're calving. This was in our barn. Walked past it multiple times and never moved. Gone this morning. SMALL - maybe 6-8". As size reference, it's sitting on the handle to a power washer.
My first selfie……

I've been on the north part of the place all morning fixing fence that trees fell on during our recent snow. Our trees don't like that extra weight and wind, especially when it only happens once a decade.

I was taking some pictures and sending them to my wife.
Usually, my accidental shots are just of my boots or crotch, but this one is officially my first selfie (I have a little piece of black electricians tape over the camera that faces me, because I'm paranoid). This is obviously a reflection of my back seat truck window. Who knew?

My darlin says it's my best ever photo capture. She's planning on entering into the county fair photo contest next year. I'm betting she don't win, but if she does, she'll be strutting around and clucking to beat the band.

I remember watching some geese fly over, but I think I marveled at them too long.
Came home from beef producer annual meeting around 10pm. All lights had been on all evening (and thru night) - we're calving. This was in our barn. Walked past it multiple times and never moved. Gone this morning. SMALL - maybe 6-8". As size reference, it's sitting on the handle to a power washer.
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Eastern Screech Owl I believe

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