: I had a simmental cow with pink eye a couple of weeks ago, her eye was completely blue and she couldn't see. I squirted part of a mastitis syringe in for about 5 days and gave her Pentalong. Her eye cleared up all but a tiny spot which the vet said may be permanant but won't affect her.<p>: : Have a Hereford cow w/ Pinkeye,start of a blue dot in the eye. Treated w/ LA200.but may have not used enough. How large a dose for a 1100lb. cow? How long before any results? Any other suggestions? Thanks,Rock<p>I noticed the date on this question but am new to the site and thought I might be of help in the future. My preferred treatment for pinkeye is table salt. I've used LA200 often with some positive results but in severe cases I've had to retreat once or twice. Blowing salt in the eye sounds cruel but it is without a doubt the most effective treatment I've seen. I heard about it from an old horseman and began using it with the best of results. In my mind it is less stressful on the animal than multiple treatments of antibiotics and easier on me in terms of moving cattle to a treatment area. Pour a small amount of table salt into your palm and hold your hand near the cow's head. When she opnes her eye, blow the salt into her eye and if you see immediate tearing of the eye you were successful. If not tearing occurs then blow a second time or third until the eye tears. One treatment and you are done. By the way, I checked this with my vet and while he was not a wholistic medicine type of guy, he said he could see the benefits and would not disapprove of the technique.<p>