Pinkeye disease in cows!

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I was wondering if the pinkeye disease could ever get so bad that a cow's eye would have to be removed, or some other drastic measure taken. Why is this disease so bad? What are the totall effects? Thanks. Cassie

[email protected]
Pinkeye is usually just an ulceration of the cornea, generally caused by a bacterium called Moraxella bovis (ok, the name may be different these days...)In truly severe cases, the eye can either burst or the cornea can peel, (I've seen both) thus necessitating enucleation. This, however is very uncommon.
Vicki, Alot of this disease diagnosis on the internet scares me abit, but I know everyone is just trying to be helpful. A professional like you KNOWS what to do IF you are given accruate symptoms, but nothing is better than a trip to the vet with the animal. My question: We breed Hereford females. One in a group of 4 yr old females I recently purchased has developed a cancer in the lower lid. The eyeball is fine. The vet decided to try freezing the lower lid tissue, which has seemed to help in the short term. I realize this is a wait and see if the cancer cells multiply. Is there any drug that might be used to enhance or protect.... Any other procedural thing I might do. This was caught very early. At first I thought this was pinkeye and the eye "runs" but since the freezing it has almost stopped. If this were not a good young replacement female I would just take my lumps on something that was not detectable at the time of purchase. I realize a long shot. Just thought I would ask. Does the mastitis ointment really assist with pinkeye treatment? Thanks.

> Pinkeye is usually just an
> ulceration of the cornea,
> generally caused by a bacterium
> called Moraxella bovis (ok, the
> name may be different these
> days...)In truly severe cases, the
> eye can either burst or the cornea
> can peel, (I've seen both) thus
> necessitating enucleation. This,
> however is very uncommon.

[email protected]
nothing is better
> than a trip to the vet with the
> animal My feelings exactly

Is there any drug that
> might be used to enhance or
> protect... OK, again without seeing the animal I'm not sure how bad this is. I've seen almost benign polyps which will disappear with cryo...but if it is truly squamous cell carcinoma it will recurr locally--and it is very invasive. There is a product which was on the market for injection into tumours which caused marked reduction in size, allowing for surgical removal with clear margins--but I'm not sure if it is still on the market and I haven't used it for at least 5 was called regressin.(I double checked and it's available in both Canada and the US, licenced for use in horses, not cattle.) Frankly, the best method of removing that cancer is excision with broad margins, which may require removal of the eye to achieve. At this point I'd watch and see if it recurrs--and it will often recur on the eye itself. Does the
> mastitis ointment really assist
> with pinkeye treatment? Thanks. Mastitis ointment can help treat pinkeye, as long as it is one which is effective against the causative organism. Here in Canada, I've used Special Formula, which is a penicillin combo antibiotic and corticosteroid. Do not use a product with steroids in the ulcerated eye of any species other than cattle--you'll cause severe damage which can lead to rupture. Ask your vet.....

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