Vicki, Alot of this disease diagnosis on the internet scares me abit, but I know everyone is just trying to be helpful. A professional like you KNOWS what to do IF you are given accruate symptoms, but nothing is better than a trip to the vet with the animal. My question: We breed Hereford females. One in a group of 4 yr old females I recently purchased has developed a cancer in the lower lid. The eyeball is fine. The vet decided to try freezing the lower lid tissue, which has seemed to help in the short term. I realize this is a wait and see if the cancer cells multiply. Is there any drug that might be used to enhance or protect.... Any other procedural thing I might do. This was caught very early. At first I thought this was pinkeye and the eye "runs" but since the freezing it has almost stopped. If this were not a good young replacement female I would just take my lumps on something that was not detectable at the time of purchase. I realize a long shot. Just thought I would ask. Does the mastitis ointment really assist with pinkeye treatment? Thanks.
> Pinkeye is usually just an
> ulceration of the cornea,
> generally caused by a bacterium
> called Moraxella bovis (ok, the
> name may be different these
> days...)In truly severe cases, the
> eye can either burst or the cornea
> can peel, (I've seen both) thus
> necessitating enucleation. This,
> however is very uncommon.
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