Piedmontese is a double muscled breed. Double muscled breeds have more calving problems. Double muscled cows are not as fertile. Their beef is very tender; virtually no marbling. Beef processed in major packing plants is priced according to how much marbling it contains. For example, Prime beef has more marbling than Choice and is more valuable, Choice has more marbling than Select, etc., so Piedmontese beef is severely discounted because of the lack of marbling. There is a branded beef program for Piedmontese. It's called Montana Range (I think)and was started by Leachman Cattle Co. Their website is leachman.com (no www).
> Have had cattle in the past(Brahma
> cross cows with Brangus bulls).
> Looking into getting back in the
> cattle business on a small scale
> to start. Does any one out there
> know anything about the
> Piedmontese Breed. Disposition of
> the bulls/cows,ease of calving,
> weining weight,etc.? Much
> appreciated- Jim
[email protected]