Has anybody here had any experience trying to raise pearl millet for summer grazing or haying? I seem to recall that a fair number of N. Texas dairies use it for summer grazing.
Based on my reading some years ago I liked the idea of giving pearl millet a try. In appearnce and growth patterns it is similar to Johnsongrass, Sudan and Haygrazer but, unlike those other grasses, it apparently is not susceptible to prussic acid and nitrate poison when grown in drought conditions.
I gave it a try for a couple of years and got very poor stands, yet Haygrazer planted the same day on adjacent fields did very well. But in both years, around plant emergence time, our weather was unseasonably wet and cold, so maybe that was part of the problem.
If any of you have any favorable experience with pearl millet I'd appreciate your comments -- and if you recall please mentions the specific variety you used. Thanks, Arnold.
Based on my reading some years ago I liked the idea of giving pearl millet a try. In appearnce and growth patterns it is similar to Johnsongrass, Sudan and Haygrazer but, unlike those other grasses, it apparently is not susceptible to prussic acid and nitrate poison when grown in drought conditions.
I gave it a try for a couple of years and got very poor stands, yet Haygrazer planted the same day on adjacent fields did very well. But in both years, around plant emergence time, our weather was unseasonably wet and cold, so maybe that was part of the problem.
If any of you have any favorable experience with pearl millet I'd appreciate your comments -- and if you recall please mentions the specific variety you used. Thanks, Arnold.