>Make sure the calves get adiquate colostrum within the first couple of days of birth. But now since these calves are older, when they start scouring try putting them on electrolytes for a couple of days and not milk. This will give them added energy. Plus make sure the calves are getting the same amount of milk every day. Getting a little more one day may cause a bit of scouring. Give them scour bolus's and a shot of Borgal or Neuflor. For pneumonia, I have found Neuflor or Borgal the best for calves. Also make sure they are in dry pens with fresh straw. I work at a dairy barn part time in the spring, fall and winter, and full time in the summer. I look after over 35 holstein calves generally all the time (new ones coming in everyday and generally weaning some once a week). I've had most scour within the 2 week of birth, but after that they are good, never lost one in 3 yrs that I've been working. We give colostrum for 2 days after birth. In the summer we wean off milk at 72 days and in the winter its generally around 90 days. Calves are fed a bottle of milk in morning then again at night and a bottle of water around noon.