We have a fence contracting business, as well as a wholesale/retail fence distribution business. We primarily build fixed knot high tensile woven wire in places that nobody else wants to go, but once in a while we get nice easy ones by the highway. Of course, there is still plenty of barbed wire and board fence to build as well. We also manufacture a handful of fence equipment, so we have a little fab/welding shop too. The wholesale/retail side takes up quite a bit of time, and involves a fair amount of travel, so our cow herd is about 25% of what it once was. We used to have time to make hay and chop silage, but anymore, we are buying most of our feed. We are blessed that our "off the farm" job is usually somewhere on a farm, or at least around like minded people. Visiting with contractors or folks at trade shows is something that I never thought I would enjoy, but it has become one of my favorite parts of the job. I really like getting out and fencing in far flung places with guys that are the best in their area. It's really neat to see how folks in different parts of the country/world get it done. Of course, my most important job is being a Daddy. It's a ton of fun to watch kids mature, although I've been warned that it's not so cute when they hit 13!