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SIMMGAL":1lmbdjkr said:
I'm an X-ray tech at a local hospital, so I take x-rays for my "official" job. Also help my mom with her Antique business when I have free time.

I personally have 70 cattle. Half are purebreds and the other half are crossbred. My parents have about 80-100 crossbred cattle and I help out with those too. We also grow broiler chickens and at max capacity we have over 300,000.
Do you fertilize your pastures with the chicken liter??
TexasBred":2llskpoe said:
SIMMGAL":2llskpoe said:
I'm an X-ray tech at a local hospital, so I take x-rays for my "official" job. Also help my mom with her Antique business when I have free time.

I personally have 70 cattle. Half are purebreds and the other half are crossbred. My parents have about 80-100 crossbred cattle and I help out with those too. We also grow broiler chickens and at max capacity we have over 300,000.
Do you fertilize your pastures with the chicken liter??

Yes we do! Depending on how our soil tests come back. They've cracked down on it a bit.
Ever feed any chicken litter to the cows?----------------------Just a bad joke.
I sit behind a desk and watch currencies go up and down in value. Sometimes I buy and sometimes I sell.
Love my job but would rather be at the farm messing with cattle. I only have 16 girls at the moment.
Bigfoot":v5jzn2b5 said:
Ever feed any chicken litter to the cows?----------------------Just a bad joke.

Actually, not a bad joke! We tried it once, had some big wig guy recommend it. Mix it with corn and save ya some hay! :lol2: One word of caution, it has such a high nutrient content that it can burn out some of their internal organs (liver mainly, kidneys too I believe), so we don't feed it to our brood cows (or any cows anymore for that matter). We reuse the majority of our litter in our chicken houses, so after every flock of chickens leaves we windrow/compost the remaining litter inside the houses. This process causes the litter piles to reach a high heat level. The heating process kills off bad bacteria and the litter becomes almost "caramelized" as far as cattle are concerned. Cattle around here love it. After the litter has served it's purpose inside the chicken houses (about 6 or so flocks, depending) we sell it or spread it. When we spread it on the fields, the cattle hit it hard. Our litter storage shed sits in one of our pastures and it has wallow holes around the side doors from where the cows try to reach underneath. :lol2:
SIMMGAL":24aza9ed said:
Bigfoot":24aza9ed said:
Ever feed any chicken litter to the cows?----------------------Just a bad joke.

Actually, not a bad joke! We used to! Mix it with corn and save ya some hay! One word of caution, it has such a high nutrient content that it can burn out some of their internal organs, so we don't feed it to our brood cows. We windrow and compost/heat all of our litter. The heating process kills off bad bacteria and the litter becomes almost "caramelized" as far as cattle are concerned. Cattle around here love it. When we spread it on the fields, they hit it hard. Our litter storage shed sits in one of our pastures and it has wallow holes around the side doors from where the cows try to reach underneath.
And I thought my shyt eating dog was bad. :lol: :lol:
Yeah, we don't feed it anymore after that little experiment! (Blame it on the early 2000's) :dunce: Too many reasons not to! :shock: :shock: :shock:

One of which being I don't want to eat a "shyt eating cow"... :lol2:
NFL quarterback
Been to 7 Super Bowls, 4 Super Bowl MVP awards, 2 league MVP awards, 14 division titles( more than any qb in NFL history)
I'm a model for Stetson cologne among many other products.
I'm worth multimillions and I'm married to a Brazilian supermodel.
Uh ... wait that's Tom Brady..

My job sucks :D
Retired ten years was night superintendent at the largest gasoline refinery in the country. Hired in as a laborer. NASA trained Root Cause Failure analyst that went to find the cause of fires and explosions in petrochemical complexes.
I work for a conservation district but only for 53 more days. Then I will work for retirement. I have been running a potload of bred heifers every summer. This year I have too many things happening. Retiring, selling the place, buying a new place, and moving. So I plan to run about 30 or so pairs of one and done cow calf pairs. I am not sure what I will run on the new place. Could be stocker, or the bred heifer deal again, or could be the old one time cows. But I plan to do something where I few or no cattle for part of the year so I can act like a retired person. I saw a lot of the sights when I was rodeoing but the wife has never been anywhere. She needs to see old faithful and Grand Canyon.
Caustic Burno":1ytkm4d4 said:
Retired ten years was night superintendent at the largest gasoline refinery in the country. Hired in as a laborer. NASA trained Root Cause Failure analyst that went to find the cause of fires and explosions in petrochemical complexes.
Xom or Motiva ? I can't keep up with who is the largest because they keep adding on ..
JSCATTLE":26ckbufe said:
Caustic Burno":26ckbufe said:
Retired ten years was night superintendent at the largest gasoline refinery in the country. Hired in as a laborer. NASA trained Root Cause Failure analyst that went to find the cause of fires and explosions in petrochemical complexes.
Xom or Motiva ? I can't keep up with who is the largest because they keep adding on ..

Neither Amoco TC was the largest gasoline refinery in the US ten years ago. XOM in Baytown was the largest refinery making all spectrum on petrochemical prouducts. TC only made gasoline or distillate converting 92% of the barrel to fuel.
XOM Baytown is 560,000 bpd making everything from lubricants,chemicals and fuel.
TC is 470,000 bpd gasoline distillate along with being one of the most complex. Converted the 470,000 bpd to 540,000 bpd. I believe the most complex is in Indonesia. Called fluffing the barrel.
With all the expansion at Motiva (old Texaco)they may be on top now I have been out of the game ten years and haven't kept up with all the expansions.
Oh ok . I think with the last expansion Motiva claims to be the largest now . I work at Huntsman. Originally Texaco Chem.
JSCATTLE":1qmc7d42 said:
Oh ok . I think with the last expansion Motiva claims to be the largest now . I work at Huntsman. Originally Texaco Chem.
In 1980 Gulf PA tried to lure me over there. Does that refinery still exist?
It's Valero now. Looks like they never paint anything. If you didn't see the steam you would think it's moth balled.
Been a wrench turner for over 33 years, about burned out but don't know what else to do.
Been a wildland firefighter for 43 years. Might retire when I get 50 years.
Buy calves for several people that don't want to get their hands dirty. I keep from 50 to 100 momma cows according to the market and buy several 3wt really rough calves and feed them too 700lb+.
TB ; Thanks for the compliment. Being a milk tester isn't the fanciest job, nor a very good paying one, nor the most dangerous but it does have it's days. Most of my farmers tell me they wouldn't have my job for a million bucks, mostly due to the constantly changing hours and no "regular schedule" and the hours I have to be out on the roads and the weather I have to travel in. The older I get the more often I tell them that if the weather is "iffy" I will be calling them to reschedule. Have had a couple of weather related accidents over the years, and one time one got a little put out over my cancelling at the last minute, and I told him point blank that I would call the office for him and get him another tester cuz his cows weren't worth winding up in a ditch or dying over. Plus, I get an avg deer a year with the vehicle....ugh.
The climbing around the barns is a pain and now I basically tell the farmer, if I can't read the tags or neck chains or whatever coming in the parlor door, or if they don't have numbers/names , someone had better be there to tell me who they are; I don't do guessing games.

Reading some of what ya'll do I feel like I am just a simple......didn't take alot to teach me what I do and it is obvious that some of you are really educated... I am humbled.
and tom4018, without "wrench turners", my vehicles would never get me to my not such a shabby profession either.

And thank you to any and all that serve, and have served, our country keeping me and mine safe also.
i have rental properties.. cows, and do whatever to make money. if I'm not making at least 500 for the day, I don't even bother.
Dave":33y7nsnn said:
I work for a conservation district but only for 53 more days. Then I will work for retirement. I have been running a potload of bred heifers every summer. This year I have too many things happening. Retiring, selling the place, buying a new place, and moving. So I plan to run about 30 or so pairs of one and done cow calf pairs. I am not sure what I will run on the new place. Could be stocker, or the bred heifer deal again, or could be the old one time cows. But I plan to do something where I few or no cattle for part of the year so I can act like a retired person. I saw a lot of the sights when I was rodeoing but the wife has never been anywhere. She needs to see old faithful and Grand Canyon.
Congrats. I know you and the wife are looking forward to it. :clap:

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