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I have a calf that seems to be nursing alot, but not getting much. The cow's bag isn't very big. The calf isn't gaining much weight but seems to act fine. Do I need to suppliment a bottle? If so, are there any tricks to get him to drink from a bottle. I tried once already and he wouldn't suck, but when I let him back in the lot he went right back to momma and sucked. Tommy

[email protected]
The way we used to get calves to suck that had been on the cow for a while was to stand on the opposite side from the calf and stick the bottle underneath so it was just one more teat. Before long we didn't have to trick them anymore, they'ld come a runnin any time they saw a bottle


> I have a calf that seems to be
> nursing alot, but not getting
> much. The cow's bag isn't very
> big. The calf isn't gaining much
> weight but seems to act fine. Do I
> need to suppliment a bottle? If
> so, are there any tricks to get
> him to drink from a bottle. I
> tried once already and he wouldn't
> suck, but when I let him back in
> the lot he went right back to
> momma and sucked. Tommy

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