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The wonderful thing about hobbles, is hobbles are wonderful things!!Boy I wish this cow was bred. I truly believe that's why she's being so naughty. Sheesh.
She got the hobbles last night and that appears to be a game changer for her so far. She can still kick a little as I left them quite loose/longer length so she can freely move but it keeps her from kicking out hard and high. I think it also wore her out a bit. Today she did a bit better with the calves. They were able to duck and dive avoiding the blows or just being shoved while still getting the hints she was sending. Eventually they latched on while she was eating and she gave up for a bit. Long enough for them to eat what they needed although maybe a tad too much. They showed up with scours this morning so I'm treating that now. What's interesting is so is the other younger calf we have right now who is in a completely different area and different cow. The older calves are just fine. We've had some pretty dramatic temperature swings and I suspect that's the cause on the youngins. All in all we seem to have made progress. We'll see how she does over the next 24 hours and hopefully remove them. I'm just trying to keep the calves from receiving all out blows until the light bulb comes on in her head.
A week or so of that and she will forget she ever knew how to kick! Next year if I still have Dapples she is gonna get hobbled for a few days. She definitely is NOT Bessie!!