Newborn calf, unable to walk

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We had a little heifer this am and she is unable to walk. Her "ankles" on the front and back laegs are turned under. We have been trying to bottle feed and make her put weight on her little legs but as soon as we let up she falls and her little ankles buckle. What causes this? She had an unassisted birth. She is quite weak and listless. <p>Thanks<p>Laura
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[email protected]
Hello,<p>Well what you can do to help her if she is still alive<br>is use rolled cotton, wrap the legs several times and use<br>brown guase around that then wrap upto just below the knee<br>thus creating a good splint, the rolled cotton helps to improve<br>and reduce impaired blood flow and should help the calf's tendons <br>strengthen and with in a week or so she should be able to get around <br>with out this aide, she may be wobbly legged for a while but in time <br>the legs should stregthen and straighten.<p>For more info contact [email protected]<p>
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[email protected]

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