I don't know anything about that program.Welcome back, @Mountaintown Creek Ranch !! I was beginning to wonder if y'all had been swept away during a storm this spring! Seem like the thing to do would be use Japanese Black bulls on Akaushi cows, don't it? What do you think about this dude buying all of these Corr cows to breed with his Akaushi bulls? Hat do you know about this program where by the association (dunno what association) pays to get the price of your calves 20 cents higher than the top selling calf on a given day?
As far as putting Akashi on Cor cattle, I would guess the frame size might be an issue due to the large birth weight that most of the Big reds are famous for.
Yes we see great benefits from mixing the Jap Black with the Reds.
I'm getting ready to send that Red Bull down to box springs to my buddy Tom. Bull is a virgin his first job is going to be covering a bunch of embryo cows.
We should get a pretty good idea in 3 years of what his calves looks like because I'll be able to breed him too a large number right away makes a huge difference in determining his net value.
In my opinion one good carcass doesn't give you much information,
20 to 30 good carcasses gives you great information.
We will keep him for a few years use him in our and our friends herds, then we'll sell him hopefully for a few dollars.