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Soooo, here is an update on the heifers. The soon to be second calvers are due starting in March. The three which calved first, are all incalf by the stock bull and due in March. The black heifer is incalf by AI and due in May. The pure one will be brought to the spring calving, so her only job now is to raise her own calf.
However, good news are that younger heifers will start to calf in April. The first one is due on the 10th of April, another two days later and the third two days after the previous one. It sure was hard to make a couple individuals to settle. One heifer had very long heat, so you needed to wait some extra time before her AI. She will be the latest calver from all, but I'm glad I finally caught her. Did her last AI just with her nose in the meal bucket, no crush, no ropes just in a plain field and a bucket.
Don't have the newest their photos, but have some taken in the last two months.

And here are some pics of the bulls they are incalf to!
The first- very easy calving limousine bull. Two bluex heifers, angusxblue and smallest yellow heifer got him. Gave him for the black first calver too.

Charolais bull- gave him only to the biggest white charolais cross heifer. She's the first heifer due this year.
Another limousine bull. Only two heifers incalf to him- light yellow charxlimx heifer and simmental cross heifer. Several cows are incalf to him too.
Charolais bull- used him on the heifer with long heat- black horned one.
And the last is Parthenaise bull. Two heifers should be incalf to him. He doesn't look anything special himself, but we already had his calves and they were pretty easily born and had nice shape with growth.

P. S. Still not finding time to crop screenshots. 😅🤦‍♀️
Some of the other heifers for comparison. The first two are due just 2 and 4 days after the white heifer.

These are due in May.

This one- at the end of April. She's short, plus her dam always has huge belly so it seems that the daughter will have some more stomach capacity as well.
I got a few like that. Huge tummies but a good month off.
Nice scenery. Hope doing well especially how close you are to some, umm, nonsense going on.
It's easier with elder cows. Usually already know if some tend to have bigger calves or just look huge all the time. Have one first calver due in the mid of March looking like a whale. The way she is bred and that the bull she's incalf to isn't proven to be easy calved makes me quite nervous. Not much left to wait thought.
Well, many went into panic at first, but now everybody are calming down. Still, nothing is clear how everything will end.
20 days left until the first due date. Definitely her sire has improved milk alot. Her dam as a first calver couldn't raise a calf. Used higher milk bulls on her since then. It's always nice to see an improvement.

Beating the stereotypes that Charolais don't have milk.
Today's photo.
Fed calf with colostrum. Mom doesn't want to stand for the calf due to the sore udder. Going to try nurse the calf from his dam tomorrow if the young mom will be still stubborn. Ahhh, heifers... 🤦‍♀️ Rarely get such problem, thankfully.
This year had no sick calves and all calvings went well, so it's just a matter of time, when something bad might happen.
Heifer's calf got sick two days ago. The third day fighting to make him to feel better, and finally today saw some improvement. He had a massive watery scour, eyes sunken in and his nose and mouth were cold. Today in the evening his eyes look back to place and nose is warm. Hopefully he'll be back to his old self soon. Mom is staying by his side all the time and is very nicely behaved.
The best possible view! Finally started nursing again. Still giving him electrolytes and natural tea orally.

Checked two heifers, which were the last ones AI'd in November. One AI'd five days before blood showed up, second- around 27 hours after seen heat. Both were very hard to get incalf in summer. Checked them every day after last AI for any noticable mucus, blood or action- none. Preg checked today- both incalf! Seems that they have some odd ovulation time, but luckily managed to get both pregnant.
Had high hopes of not loosing any calves this season, but unfortunately... The most recent calf died yesterday early in the morning... The young mom was bawling all day for her calf, so brought her to try to adopt a dairy heifer from my husband. The cow took a calf right away. Left them to settle for 15 min and the calf already had her belly full of milk. Pics from today. Mom's udder is empty and she don't want to leave her new calf even for a minute.
Its always nice to have the same number of calves as cows. Last year I had 36 from 36 but the numbers got made up with a set of twins. A 2nd calver had a still born, $hit happens and something usually stuffs things up.


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