I have a new calf and my questions are: How old should he be if I decide to band? What shots should be given now, if any? He seems healthy and is nursing. Thanks for the help.
you can band at one day or up to a few months. they don't need shots until about 2-3 months old. did you vaccinate the cow before the calf was born/ they get immunity from the cow. check out. out <A HREF="http://www.beefcowcalf.com" TARGET="_blank">www.beefcowcalf.com</A> they have a calendar of things to do beef cow herd calendar.
> I have a new calf and my questions
> are: How old should he be if I
> decide to band? What shots should
> be given now, if any? He seems
> healthy and is nursing. Thanks for
> the help.