The sheriff has in itself committed a crime by moving the cattle without knowledge of LIVESTOCK CONTROL!
I am an Inspector for an adjoining state and called a friend of mine to find the complaint number!
Guess what he couldn't find one filed by the sheriffs department nor by any individual in Elko or surrounding counties during the period of time this was supposedly happening!
Remember Baxter78 and his wild claims of sale barn idiot? This sounds a lot like that bunch of posting.
568.350. Unauthorized driving of livestock from range unlawful; penalty; liability for damages
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to lead, drive or in any manner remove any horse, mare, colt, jenny, jack, mule, or any head of neat cattle, or hog, sheep, goat, or any number of these animals, the same being the property of another person, from the range on which they are permitted to run in common, without the consent of the owner thereof first had and obtained.
2. The owner of any such animals, finding the same running on the herd grounds or commons with other animals of the same kind, is permitted to drive his own animal or animals, together with such other animals as he cannot conveniently separate from his own, to the nearest and most convenient corral or other place for separating his own from other animals if he, in such case, immediately, with all convenient speed, drives all such animals not belonging to him back to the herd ground from which he brought such animals.
3. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
4. In addition to the penalty provided for in subsection 3, such person shall be civilly liable to the owner of livestock so removed from the range for the value of all such stock and the necessary expenses incident to their return.
I will however apologize to Gina once she provides us all with a citation or complainant number which would have been required for the sheriff to even consider moving the cattle.
Livestock control has the controlling authority not the sheriffs department nor does the local animal control have such authority.
Livestock falls under a different set of laws as do cats,dogs,ferrets etc etc etc, those laws are INFORCED by livestock inspectors, not county sheriffs.
Sorry to rain on your parade Gina.