TH and PHA as far as I am aware only affects Shorthorns and Maine Anjous.
PHA in Shorthorns
Pulmonary hypoplasia with anasarca (PHA) is a new syndrome reported in over a dozen Shorthorn calves over the last few years. To date only four cases have been well documented. The ASA and researchers at the University of Nebraska request your assistance in identifying cases and delivering calves or select tissues for laboratory examination. The cause of the syndrome has not yet been determined but it is uniformly lethal. The cows also suffer from dystocia related to the large size of the calf. This syndrome is distinct from tibial hemimelia (TH) .
Anasarca refers to the collection of fluid in the skin and body cavities of the calf. In some cases the calves had been reported as "bulldogs" due to the facial appearance caused by this fluid collection. The term should not be applied as this syndrome is distinct from bulldog dwarfism and using the term could be misleading. The fluid markedly increases the size and weight of the fetus causing dystocia at time of delivery. In the four cases examined at the University of Nebraska, small, under-developed lungs were found. The full complement of abnormal features in these calves has not been fully explored. The ASA is encouraging breeders to report affected calves. Abnormal calves should be reported to the ASA and he will assist you with sample collection. Please use the ASA Genetic Defect Protocol (found in this section of the website) to report affected calves. For more information, call (402) 393-7200.
Calves found to fit the sydrome parameters will be reported to Dr.Steffen at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center. The laboratory fees on these calves will be covered by a research grant.