Murrays projects 2021

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Do the neighbors have cows? I have seen a new born get spooked and run through a fence and never look back if it finds another group of cows.
None close by, no. We did have one take off a while back right thru the fence and ran dang near a mile tho. Next day, calf was back with mama!
We had a dairy cow that would coax the beef calves through the barb wire fence and let them nurse.
I love that!!
I kicked Miss Thing out on some pasture with a friend's 6 calves.
Pics later. Sure thought I took some today but it was not to be.

Here's a project cow. 5 yr old calved a day or two ago. Almost snatched him up because no one was claiming him!! Mama finally came and got him tho. Gave me the stink eye too!
I just can't help but think there is 2 more in there....
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I walked up on a newborn laying 6 ' from my deer stand door in the dark a couple weeks ago, mama wasn't happy, but she didn't get after me.
I walked up on a newborn laying 6 ' from my deer stand door in the dark a couple weeks ago, mama wasn't happy, but she didn't get after me.
Shes a purchased cow. Got the bull calf tagged without any trouble today. And my heifer calf I've been trying to catch for over a month!
I can't stand a slick calf, mainly because if there is a calf without a tag, I'll know immediately someone has calved. And I just like knowing who's is who's too. We are all in order again finally. 🙂

That cow is still big as a house. And the other who's close is just as big. Something still isn't adding up, but we will see what happens.
Like @Jeanne - Simme Valley said, she doesn't look like she's the one that calved. I'm suspicious your other cow did the deed and this cow stole the calf.
Well. The one I was waiting on went ahead and did it. Good healthy lil heifer calf. I bought this cow back in July and no one really wanted her that bad. I gave $1125 for her. Her calf should bring that easily come spring. She was a 5x4 which put her right about now to calve. That vet at that particular sale is deadly accurate with his ultrasound machine! I like buying cows there when prices are reasonable. I most always know exactly what I've bought.
Here's the day I got her and some after pics as well.
She come along ok!!
I sure enjoy making a poor cow into a good one!

Edited to add....
Have not seen another calf outta that last cow. She's still big as a house and taking great care of the calf!!
Well. The one I was waiting on went ahead and did it. Good healthy lil heifer calf. I bought this cow back in July and no one really wanted her that bad. I gave $1125 for her. Her calf should bring that easily come spring. She was a 5x4 which put her right about now to calve. That vet at that particular sale is deadly accurate with his ultrasound machine! I like buying cows there when prices are reasonable. I most always know exactly what I've bought.
Here's the day I got her and some after pics as well.
She come along ok!!
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I sure enjoy making a poor cow into a good one!

Edited to add....
Have not seen another calf outta that last cow. She's still big as a house and taking great care of the calf!!
So what's the story on the calf and cow that seemed mismatched? Are they a pair... or is that cow still carrying a calf?
@MurraysMutts ; haven't heard anything lately.... How is the greatest nurse cow Bessie, doing???? and the other one......Aren't they due soon???

I picked up a Jersey at the stockyard almost 2 months ago... had a little jersey bull calf that I am SURE is not hers... but she is mothering it...she acted like she was looking for something and I think they pulled bigger calves off her or something and then just sold her... Paid $900 for the pair... this is not a market for any dairy animals...barely cull cow price.... She checked out with milk in all 4 qtrs that night we got her home... and so I got a 2nd calf to put on her the next day from a dairy... but she did not have enough milk for 2 so I supplement bottle fed it once a day for 6 weeks... and she lets it nurse with no problem... both calves are eating grain and she comes in the barn for her grain everyday... she was in heat so the black angus bull in there breeding the group of heifers has bred her... I hope she settles... just to get her pregnant and then I can try AI jersey next year... Got a decent solid mouth and good dispositioned with the calves...learned within 2 days which gate to come to, to come in the barn for grain......
The holstein bull calf I put on her, will pretty much pay for her "upkeep" when I sell him... and the jersey bull will be a steer destined for the freezer or just sell down the road... so I got a deal that day.
Makes me think of Bessie being so willing to just take other calves...
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Nice cows. How much you think the solid black weighs?
Those 2 averaged 1465lbs. I'll have em at 1500 in no time. I just wanted the baldy/brockle face but they ran em together, so I had to buy em both. I looked these two over in the pen at the sale and they were just as kool as could be. They walked em in the sale ring no problem. When my friend went to pick em up, the black one was ready to kill someone! Somewhere along the way, she had plum enough of the shenanigans!!
They've both settled right in....
@MurraysMutts ; haven't heard anything lately.... How is the greatest nurse cow Bessie, doing???? and the other one......Aren't they due soon???

I picked up a Jersey at the stockyard almost 2 months ago... had a little jersey bull calf that I am SURE is not hers... but she is mothering it...she acted like she was looking for something and I think they pulled bigger calves off her or something and then just sold her... Paid $900 for the pair... this is not a market for any dairy animals...barely cull cow price.... She checked out with milk in all 4 qtrs that night we got her home... and so I got a 2nd calf to put on her the next day from a dairy... but she did not have enough milk for 2 so I supplement bottle fed it once a day for 6 weeks... and she lets it nurse with no problem... both calves are eating grain and she comes in the barn for her grain everyday... she was in heat so the black angus bull in there breeding the group of heifers has bred her... I hope she settles... just to get her pregnant and then I can try AI jersey next year... Got a decent solid mouth and good dispositioned with the calves...learned within 2 days which gate to come to, to come in the barn for grain......
The holstein bull calf I put on her, will pretty much pay for her "upkeep" when I sell him... and the jersey bull will be a steer destined for the freezer or just sell down the road... so I got a deal that day.
Makes me think of Bessie being so willing to just take other calves...
Bessie is out with the herd. She only got to raise one pair of calves this go round due to uncontrollable circumstances. But she raised 3000 bucks worth by golly!!

Shes had a nice break (I've been gonna give her a good rest anyway) but It breaks my heart seeing her without 2 or 3 following her around.

Shes due beginning of March. But could be as early as late February again. I had to put the bull in a couple weeks early for same reason as above. I'm on the lookout for a new home place where I can work with her again. And Dapples too! I'll try n get a pic or two this weekend some time. Dapples is in better shape. But they are both doing well.

I look forward to hearing more about your new cow as she comes along!
Those 2 averaged 1465lbs. I'll have em at 1500 in no time. I just wanted the baldy/brockle face but they ran em together, so I had to buy em both. I looked these two over in the pen at the sale and they were just as kool as could be. They walked em in the sale ring no problem. When my friend went to pick em up, the black one was ready to kill someone! Somewhere along the way, she had plum enough of the shenanigans!!
They've both settled right in....
Sounds like some idiot at the sale barn used a hotshot on her, you think?
Sounds like some idiot at the sale barn used a hotshot on her, you think?
There ain't no telling. That was a regular Thursday sale and they had a special cow sale the next day. So I know the place was terrible busy and everyone had been putting in the hours for sure. Not sure why these were not in the special sale actually. There were quite a few that sold Thursday should've been sold Friday! After I bought these 2, everything went sky high. More people had showed up wanting nice bred cows.

They've decided they won't be doing any more special cow sales. Like everything else, help is hard to come by and I guess one sale a week is all they want to strive for now. 😔
There ain't no telling. That was a regular Thursday sale and they had a special cow sale the next day. So I know the place was terrible busy and everyone had been putting in the hours for sure. Not sure why these were not in the special sale actually. There were quite a few that sold Thursday should've been sold Friday! After I bought these 2, everything went sky high. More people had showed up wanting nice bred cows.

They've decided they won't be doing any more special cow sales. Like everything else, help is hard to come by and I guess one sale a week is all they want to strive for now. 😔
Those are both some pretty nice cows Murray. They are already heavy enough but I know you love your cows so like them fat. I hope they are bred to a great bull and you get some super calves.
Calves were on fire!!
Sold all the projects Thursday. After the dust settled, they completely paid for my bull AND the 6 big red baldy cows.
I never told anyone, but I lost one of the big red baldies shortly after arrival. Stupid bit³h swallowed a hedge apple and I found her collapsed on a pile of logs. She must've tried real hard because u could see and feel the lump where it wouldn't go down!
One calf disappeared. I didn't even realize until I got to sale an unloaded. Wth. Only 12 calves. Hmmm. Had to go check ear tags. It was a pair I bought from the old man's estate sellout earlier. Dang it!
Anyway. All the work has been worth it. I run everything thru one account just for everyone curious. Kinda like a credit card. EVERYTHING. Feed, hay, fuel, cattle, lease and ANY and all expenses. I get hit a small amount of interest. But makes it perfectly clear of I'm actually making any money or not. In this case, I've got 5 really nice (hopefully bred) "black hereford" cows added to my herd. I have 2500 each for the pairs btw. I don't think I've ever shared that. Their calves helped pay the way too.
Anyway. Here's some sale results from my mutts!!

The cows will be getting pregged this next Wednesday if all goes to plan. And the bull tested too. Only had 2 out of 14 project cows bred when sold Thursday. THAT BOTHERS ME.
But..... Older cows. Some cows of my buddies were in poor condition. So there's that. And a couple cows they called 5 year olds, 3 to 5 months ago, were suddenly 7 and 9 yr olds Thursday.

Calves were on fire!!
Sold all the projects Thursday. After the dust settled, they completely paid for my bull AND the 6 big red baldy cows.
I never told anyone, but I lost one of the big red baldies shortly after arrival. Stupid bit³h swallowed a hedge apple and I found her collapsed on a pile of logs. She must've tried real hard because u could see and feel the lump where it wouldn't go down!
One calf disappeared. I didn't even realize until I got to sale an unloaded. Wth. Only 12 calves. Hmmm. Had to go check ear tags. It was a pair I bought from the old man's estate sellout earlier. Dang it!
Anyway. All the work has been worth it. I run everything thru one account just for everyone curious. Kinda like a credit card. EVERYTHING. Feed, hay, fuel, cattle, lease and ANY and all expenses. I get hit a small amount of interest. But makes it perfectly clear of I'm actually making any money or not. In this case, I've got 5 really nice (hopefully bred) "black hereford" cows added to my herd. I have 2500 each for the pairs btw. I don't think I've ever shared that. Their calves helped pay the way too.
Anyway. Here's some sale results from my mutts!!

The cows will be getting pregged this next Wednesday if all goes to plan. And the bull tested too. Only had 2 out of 14 project cows bred when sold Thursday. THAT BOTHERS ME.
But..... Older cows. Some cows of my buddies were in poor condition. So there's that. And a couple cows they called 5 year olds, 3 to 5 months ago, were suddenly 7 and 9 yr olds Thursday.

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Nice check! Did enjoy the summary. Only thing missing were some before and after pics... Of the cattle 🤑🤠🤑
Nice check! Did enjoy the summary. Only thing missing were some before and after pics... Of the cattle 🤑🤠🤑
There was a couple on the last page or two. The red baldies had some pics in their thread. But no after pics dern it. Just boring ol black steers anyway! 🤣

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