My husband was given a calf that is 2-3 months of age who's mother dried up and could no longer nurse her. There is a long story involved but she was given to someone else who did not take the time to feed her for a few days. We were given a milk supplement and a bottle in which to feed her. We have had her for about a week and have been having troubles getting her to nurse from the bottle. We then tried a bowl and at first she did really well but now doesn't want to drink it again.She also seemed to have been stepped on by her mother and both right legs were swollen. We have given her both penicillin and Vitamin B12 shots and the front leg has went down quite a bit but the back one is not doing to good. She does not like to get up to get a drink of water or to eat. She even lies there when she has a bowel movement causing quite a mess on her hind section and tail. I also think she may have pink-eye because she has a white cloud over her eyeball and this white stuff that comes out of it. I don't know if she just doesn't like the milk substitute or if she is in so much pain because of the leg, she just doesn't want to eat.I could really use some advise because she is a beautiful animal and we would sure hate to lose her.I am not totally sure what the problem could be because some days she seems better then later she just looks like she is on death's door. My husband says she probably only weighs 60-70 pounds and should weigh quite a bit more, could you please help? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Donna Parrott
[email protected]
Thank you,
Donna Parrott
[email protected]