I have a hiefer that's going to have her first calf at the end of March start of April. What condition should she be in..like body fat ect? Thanks for any info
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I want the heifer to be in decent conditon, not so fat as to cause dystocia (calving trouble) but enough to produce colostrum. On a scale of 1-5 where 1=bone rack and 5= blob of fat (best description I can think of at the moment) I want a condition of 3.25 -- bones aren't sharp to the touch, but you can feel the dip between the tail and the tuber ischium--(pins) There are wonderful resources out there to condtion score the animals, I'm using the one used commonly in Ontario, where I live.<br>I've calved out heifers which were basically starved to give a small calf.....delivered large calves by c-section, weak moms and little milk, and they didn't rebreed quickly. <br>Ask your vet or extension agent for help!<br>V
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