A frenchman up here told me that 'mal' is french for bad. I had one of these bad presentations in my cows the other night. I came home from work about six o'clock the other night and saw a cow out by herself looking like she was trying to calve. I looked at her and couldn't see any sign of water bag or feet. She drifted back to the hay pile after awhile and headed back out around 8 o'clock. Around nine she drifted back up around the hay pile. When she laid down I could just see the start of the water bag coming. Around 10:30 I checked again and she still was up by the hay pile. I could see though that she seemed to still be having contractions. I tried unsuccessfully to move her to the corral around midnight and finally managed to get her in on a second attempt at around 2 am. I got my plastic gloves on and found that the water bag was still intact. I could feel what i thought was a back leg, but it is tough to tell with the membrane and all that fluid in the way. I also couldn't feel any movement. I phoned an experienced cattleman I know who sleepily answered the phone and told me that if the waterbag was still intact, I shouldn't worry about it yet. He also told me that it was very possible that I was dealing with a calf that may have been dead for some time and she may just expel it naturally. In the morning, I called the vet, but he couldn't make it until afternoon. It turned out that the calfs head was stuck way down between its front legs and couldn't be pushed out. The vet had to throw a hook into the eye socket to pull it up.He said if it had been alive, he would have had to do a c-section. He figured it had been dead about a day although I'm pretty sure that at 8 o'clock the night before it was still irritating the cow enough to make her leave the hay pile. Anybody else had experience with this sort of thing? I've been kicking myself pretty hard over this one, yet, I'm not sure what else I could have done.