Lost dad today.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Dad's are special, because they're tougher than woodpecker lips. They ain't supposed to get sick or die.
I only realized my dad wasn't bulletproof just a few days before he died.
His best friend patted me on the back at the funeral and said "your the old man now".
It took me a while to realize that wasn't an "attaboy", it was a directive. Big shoes to fill.

It's okay to cry, in fact it's a useful tool. Find a special place and dedicate a time to cry, holler as loud as you can, and remember dad.

I read many years ago that you never really feel like a man until your father dies. When mine passed away I finally understood it.
What a Birthday. This afternoon we lost dad. I and my sister were sitting in dad's room while I was talking to my son on the phone. I no more than got off the phone with Jonathan and dad breathed his last. It was like he was waiting for this. Two years ago we buried mom on my birthday because that was best day for family to get to the funeral between storms. It was cold as all get out too.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I really think his desire to be with mom was stronger than his desire to be with my sister and I.
I definitely think this can be true. My Grandfather on Mom's side passed 1 month after my Grandmother died during open heart surgery. He just was ready. My Grandfather on my Dad's side lasted a few years after Grandmother passed but he kept saying he was ready to go. We had to get him around the clock care and nurses said every morning he woke up and talked to Grandma for awhile in his bedroom before coming out. They had an upstairs that overlooked the living room and all the nurses said she was up there watching him. Not sure but they all had the same story.
So very sorry for you. Lost my dad 3 months after my mom, he didn't want to be here either...

Lost a good friend this morning... he was 80....he had a severe stroke Sunday... kept trying to say to my son, he did not want to be here like this... then went into a semi-comatose state....my son spent alot of time with him and he was called an "adopted son" ... he had 2 sons of his own, and the one is estranged and the other is good friends with my son, but my son is the one that was always helping with the cattle and such... it is going to be a rough week for many it seems....

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