Hello<p>My name is Angie. My father was born & raised on a ranch in Cuba. But when Castro came to power he took my fathers ranch. My father had the biggest herd of cattle. I have never been on a ranch nor have I touched a cow. <p>I have read all of the information on this web site. I have looked up different breads to see witch would be the best for Florida and I have check out what is needed for them. I have read about when to wean, about cutting the bulls (I still don't know why you need to do that). I have read about how they cut the horns then and now. I think I have been reading about everything for a year or so. But I have felt the need to work on a ranch in my bones my entire life. I go and look for land to buy for my herd (that I don't have) I figure out how much it will more or less cost yr to yr. I plan for my future with my ranch in mind. But lately I have been thinking what if? What if I can't do it? What if I buy my land and all my cattle at a very high price just to know that I have absolutely no idea of what I'm doing? <p>So here is my question to you. I think it must sound strange but I don't care I need to know if I can do it. I live in Miami FL if anyone reads this and has a ranch in Miami FL. And wouldn't mind some 29yr old married woman following then around hopefully eventually helping them on there ranch for free I would really love for your to e-mail me at [email protected]<p>Thank you for your time.<br>
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