Liquid feed options

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I run a cow calf operation, and have a lot to learn about feed, but I have always looked at what the cost per pound of protein are fat when supplemental feeding. When I do that my calculations on a per pound basis they have always shown that it is cheaper for me to buy range cubes that I can control exactly how many pounds are consumed in a day.

I realize I have the advantage of being on the farm everyday to feed this way, so what am I missing in the advantages of feeding liquid or tubs.
I run a cow calf operation, and have a lot to learn about feed, but I have always looked at what the cost per pound of protein are fat when supplemental feeding. When I do that my calculations on a per pound basis they have always shown that it is cheaper for me to buy range cubes that I can control exactly how many pounds are consumed in a day.

I realize I have the advantage of being on the farm everyday to feed this way, so what am I missing in the advantages of feeding liquid or tubs.
If you have low quality, standing forage that you want to utilize it can help with consumption to be sure they still meet their needs.

Another benefit is obviously that it is not capital or labor intensive. You can get several in a pickup bed and put them out and come back in a week or two or what ever.

One of the other benefits I heard come up from some guys was it can insure the cattle are taking in a specific amount of mineral.

Liquid and tubs are both a specific tool for a specific situation. Imo, it's not really meant to compete with ground feed or hay or cubes or things like that.
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Liquid feed seems to be the most economical option versus tubs, but what about on a small operation of less than 8 cows? Would liquid still make sense or would any savings be negligible? Does the liquid feed go bad or degrade over time?
very good point..(I average about 10 head) but where our neck of the woods will we actually find people to service the liquid feed for us with quantities that small? Everybody I called, put me on the back burner and never showed up. So it seems like a lot of DIY for liquid
The problem with relying on PROTEIN tubs to get the minerals - there isn't enough minerals in the whole tub to take care of 1 animal (obviously this can be exaggerated!!).
why can't someone sell us a tub with both protein/energy and critical minerals. I buy wind and rain tubs plus a protein tub. Both are very over priced. for crying outload, its just a big lollypop made for cattle
why can't someone sell us a tub with both protein/energy and critical minerals. I buy wind and rain tubs plus a protein tub. Both are very over priced. for crying outload, its just a big lollypop made for cattle
If you sold tubs would you want to sell one or two? 😄

Joking aside, I guess its nice to not pay for both if you only want one?
In central Texas, the market is very ripe for some who wants to sell lolly pops for cattle. That's if it has both protein and minerals for a reasonable price. Mabey only a 300% mark up and just wholesale to the feed store.. or just deliver those 200# tubs direct to the rancher on a routine
I run a cow calf operation, and have a lot to learn about feed, but I have always looked at what the cost per pound of protein are fat when supplemental feeding. When I do that my calculations on a per pound basis they have always shown that it is cheaper for me to buy range cubes that I can control exactly how many pounds are consumed in a day.

I realize I have the advantage of being on the farm everyday to feed this way, so what am I missing in the advantages of feeding liquid or tubs.
If we feed everyday it is an 80 mile round trip. Not everyone has their cows close to the house where they can feed everyday. Unless snow is on the ground we feed and check every other day. Also some liquid feed and some tubs help with the utilization of poor quality low nutrient grass.
The Riomax tubs offer a complete mineral and protein tub. Know breeders in this area that have fed them for over a year and they say breed back is good on them.
I bought a ton of Riomax tubs a couple weeks ago. So far so good. If they do half of what they claim I'll be wishing i started using them years ago. Right now I only have them out with my yearling bulls and heifers. I'd like to try them on the cows but I have quite a bit of mineral on hand I need to use up first. There's tons of information and videos on them online and on YouTube if anyone's interested in learning about them.

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