> Well, unfortunately, here at Dad's
> in NW Missouri where I'm visiting
> for the weekend, we've been
> watching the reports of how much
> rain everybody around here has
> been getting -- 4 inches in
> Smithville yesterday morning. We
> had a light misting, wasn't hardly
> enough to wash the dust off of the
> cars. It was so light that we were
> out for a couple of hours getting
> the neighbor's bull back to his
> side of the fence, and we barely
> got damp.
> This particular little area of NW
> MO has really been hard hit by
> drought, the corn is almost gone,
> the beans are gone, the ponds get
> lower and lower, there's not
> nearly enough hay put up to start
> feeding now and still last the
> winter, and not much possiblity of
> another cut.
> Only good thing is that the
> temperatures have been great. Its funny how things work. Here in TN. we've had so much rain that we couldn't get our hay cut so we've lost a cutting of hay. On the afternoon of the 31st I cut some hay my neighbor gave me and its gotten rained on now for 2 straight days,probably is going to hurt its quality somewhat but I'm glad to get what I can. Its now Wed and its the first time I've seen much of the sun in 3 days. We've probably had at least 5-6 in of rain here in the last 3 days.
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