We have a small herd of around 30. It is mostly mixed up pretty good. I am trying to get away from that. My goal is to eventually have a herd of maybe 3 different crosses for the cows, see which does best, and go from there. I've been thinking of these as possibilities (Limousin X Beefmaster, Hereford X Simmental, and Gelbvieh X Blonde d'Aquitaine) all bred to Black Angus. I know this will take a while, but it will be fun trying to do it. Maybe I should take a closer look at some Murray Greys.
> I do not use any in my herd
> although I do like them. I'm
> getting mostly into Murray Grey
> which is alot like the gelbveih as
> far as characteristic's go. I have
> a few baldie's, and a few beltie's
> also. I have a small herd I run as
> a hobby. I spend alot more money
> on them then I make that's for
> sure.
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