Thank you - believe me when I tell you he's an entitled a-hole and that's the nicest thing I could say …. There are so so so many more particulars that would show you just what a deplorable person he is - disrespectful not only to my family now - but 100% disrespectful to my father who was the head of our family and would have put up with ZERO of his attitude and the things he's done (that go over above and beyond just "cattle")…Don't know all the particulars but if you or your mom have a share I'd put my foot down and say no to him fencing off your yard or your drive . I'm a cattlemen and I admire his hustle to fence more land but I think he's pushing his rights .
We DO own the land our home is on ….I'd buy the others out and kick the guy off. But then again who puts a house on land they don't own?
That's exactly what he did when we told him no - but he did it anyway - and threatened if we didn't let him - he'd put them in front of our house which is technically now "his moms" tract (our tracts are obviously next to each other) since the entire farm was owned by the brothers / spouses undivided interest before they divided it to simply have each brother with their own parcel … it was open land and then when we divided the parcels the three brothers placed homes on their parcels ….So to clarify-is he putting cattle on land you own and does not have permission to do so? Is he denying access to any of the same land?
This story gets more confusing everytime I check in on it. Do you own the land your house is on or does your mother own the land? How much land is deeded to YOU? A 100 acres can be divided up in allot of ways. Also does anyone else live on the 100 acres? I guess what I'm getting at is I don't see any legal way you can keep him from doing whatever he wants on land that you don't legally own. If he has cows on land you own or have control over and you don't want them there he needs to remove them. You say if he moves the cows from your land he'll put them in front of your house so I'm guessing you don't own any road frontage?We DO own the land our home is on ….
Well, not yet anyway.Anyway - I'm not anti-cattle by any means - but it's not a cattle ranch is the whole point.
I agree.I think the only way anyone would begin to understand any of this is with a map. Your description is too confusing.
100 ac total. It got divided by 3 (33ac ea). Cousin in running cows on 2 of the 3 parts with permission. OP is the 3rd part. The 3rd piece is unclear as it sounds like cousin is trying to run cows on it but it also sounds like the OP does not have a fence to prevent that or designate their land. It sound like the OP doesn't want cows on any of it and wants to go back to operating like when it was undivided and they all used the property for more entertainment.I think the only way anyone would begin to understand any of this is with a map. Your description is too confusing.