At the risk of being flogged, I would recommend something with a Brahman influence, like a half Brahman half Hereford, Angus, Gelbvieh, Simmenthal. That would be my order of preference. Watch out for excessive growth/stature in the cows cause they will require more groceries for body maintenance. I always prefer and recommend for newbies to start with pairs. You can get your feet wet in the business and know that you have fertile cows that can calve and raise that calf. Many producers cull their cows by age, because the youngest cows should have the best genetics. If you find some older cows, say 5 to 7 years old, that are still sound in feet and legs, udder and teeth you can benefit from the cows experience and still get some good years out of them. Breed those F1 cows back to good "real" bull, not some pound bull from the salebarn and you will get calves that have most of the ear knocked off.
dunmovin farms
> I want to find out what is the
> best all around breed to start out
> with. I do not have alot of land
> and I live in a very hot, humid
> area. I realize I cannot start
> with many cows, but if everything
> goes as planned, I will be leasing
> larger tracts of land eventually
> to grow my herd. I am looking for
> calving ease mainly but also a
> breed that will do well with the
> heat. With my lack of pasture, I
> will supplement with hay and sweet
> feed. Also, for starting out, what
> is the best option: buy young
> heifers and breed or buy cow/calf
> pairs? I work full time so low
> maintenance in the beginning is
> also important. Thanks for any
> info.