They can be aged by their teeth but it is an imperfect science. Depending on the forage/feed they have had the teeth may be worn less or more then would be expected for a given age. We have an old cow that was aged by her teeth as 7 when we got her. The next year she was still 7, the next the same, the next the same. I can hardly wait for this years health check to see if she's gotten any older. Short and solid cows can last many years, broken mouths are risky because they may not be able to graze or chew their cud as effectively.
dunmovin farms
> Is there some place where I can
> learn how to age cattle by their
> teeth. I am going to look at some
> cattle in the next few weeks and i
> would like to be able to
> accurately judge how old they are.
> Can I do this by their teeth?
> thanks for all your help.