Well-known member
Three years ago I bought a new 6415 for my retirement tractor. A neighbor bought one at the same time, both were ordered and came in at the same time. They are going out of warranty in July and going down the road. Nothing but trouble with them, all small stuff that has me worried. The heater core in the cab has went to pot three times, the air conditioner never seems to work, block heaters going out, the list goes on and on. My tractor has 522 hours on it and today I am signing the papers on a new 6330. Does anyone else have one? John Deere is my only option to buy, every other dealer is too far away, and there are business considerations. I don't want to be in this perdictment in another three years. I bought a Ford 7600 new in 1976, must have 12 thousand hours on it and never saw the inside of a shop, except for mine. Thanks for any comments. gs