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So I have a big black cow with a little ear who when last seen was ready to drop a calf. I haven't seen her for a week. She is in a pasture with canary grass taller than my head. I am not about to go searching for an eared cow with a new calf in grass I can't see 10 feet. Then the bull in that pasture went visiting the neighbors, twice. Why hang out with a dozen old boring cows when you can party with 20 head of heifers..... Then on Friday I bought 2 cows with 3 calves. Really got them bought right. Mid age black whiteface cows weighing 1,400+ with 250 pound bull calves. $1,180 for the pair and $1480 for the one with twins. Saturday morning early one of the calves woke us up announcing that he wasn't a twin and he wanted his mother. Well one week a month they hold a sale on Friday and then again on Saturday. Luckily this was that weekend. I hauled him back to the sale. They made it right. Actually they made it pretty good as I am now into that pair $1140. So then we ran the two pairs through the chute. Both cows were fine. The first calf was fine. The second calf was a bit spooky. Got him in vaccinated and banded. Let him out and long story short he ran through two feeders and three fences. The last fence put him headed down the road. He was really trying to get back to his mom but he kept turning the wrong way or beating me to a gate. So when he got out the neighbors dog helped send him down the road. This morning he showed up in with some other cows about 1/2 mile away. He is still there. The owner of those cows in a Mennonite and this being Sunday..... well he isn't home. So when he shows up plan A is to haul over some panels (no corral or pen there), put the cow in the front of the trailer (I know they really would like to see each other) and hopefully get him loaded up to bring home. Someone remind me why I have cattle.