Hey all! Im a 17 year old high school senior, i'm involved with my FFA and county 4h out here in north texas, i've always had an interest in raising and producing cattle. I would be a first generation raiser if raising is the pathway I decide to take.
Now being as young as I am and having to navigate myself through my knowledge I do understand that the odds are stacked against my favor. Im hoping to learn much as I can and hope to be interacting with many others on here. I understand that an industry such as cattle can be a very stressful and can be high risk for medium reward some years.
I want to be as realistic as possible with my future and I want to plan accordingly. With that being said I want to come out and ask a couple questions.
What are some of the biggest challenges someone starting up can and will face and how have people overcome these challenges compared to farms and ranches that went under?
What good can be expected the first couple of years?
Whats one of the smartest investments yall have made during your experience?
Thank you for taking the time to read this far and hopefully respond! I look forward to many discussions on here!
- Chris
Now being as young as I am and having to navigate myself through my knowledge I do understand that the odds are stacked against my favor. Im hoping to learn much as I can and hope to be interacting with many others on here. I understand that an industry such as cattle can be a very stressful and can be high risk for medium reward some years.
I want to be as realistic as possible with my future and I want to plan accordingly. With that being said I want to come out and ask a couple questions.
What are some of the biggest challenges someone starting up can and will face and how have people overcome these challenges compared to farms and ranches that went under?
What good can be expected the first couple of years?
Whats one of the smartest investments yall have made during your experience?
Thank you for taking the time to read this far and hopefully respond! I look forward to many discussions on here!
- Chris
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