Those cab tractors are really looking nice this time of the year.
I did look at the interest rates on tractors. They will give you a new one for almost 0% interest rate, and charge you more for the used one.
I could buy a used one, put it on a fixed rate, with a multi flex pay plan, and pay it off in a few years. I just can't see getting saddled to one of those nice bright green shiney ones with all that pretty glass and clean seats and smelling new. But paying for it like a second house.
The only prices I found at Farm Credit Services had 3 yr rates for used equip for 5.05%, 5 yr at 5.65% and 7yr at 6.1%.
It would be nice to set one up on a monthly payment to fix the rate while it was low, then slam it when you sold crops, calves, and pay extra each month. You could have it knocked out in a matter of time.
I still do not want to take money out of retirement. Tis the time to invest!!!
And buy a cab tractor.
I did look at the interest rates on tractors. They will give you a new one for almost 0% interest rate, and charge you more for the used one.
I could buy a used one, put it on a fixed rate, with a multi flex pay plan, and pay it off in a few years. I just can't see getting saddled to one of those nice bright green shiney ones with all that pretty glass and clean seats and smelling new. But paying for it like a second house.
The only prices I found at Farm Credit Services had 3 yr rates for used equip for 5.05%, 5 yr at 5.65% and 7yr at 6.1%.
It would be nice to set one up on a monthly payment to fix the rate while it was low, then slam it when you sold crops, calves, and pay extra each month. You could have it knocked out in a matter of time.
I still do not want to take money out of retirement. Tis the time to invest!!!
And buy a cab tractor.