Information on embryo work.

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<br>I have a small herd of purebred cattle, along with 60 head of commercial cattle. I would like to start an embryo program to expand my purebred herd. My commercial cows are pretty good and i think they will make good recips.<br>I need info. on buying embryo's to getting the recip ready for the transfer. Anyone who has an embryo program or is thinking of it like i am, your knowledge and help will be appreciated.
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[email protected]
Embryos are implanted at 6-8 days after a cow's heat. You'll need to have a technician to do this work, conception is usually around 66%.<p>Decent embryos run around $400 each, tech fees $100 per head, and you have to consider the loss of income from your crossbred calf on your recip cow. All in all, it'll cost you $1250 per calf. I'd think you could buy good purebred heifers already half grown for this amount.<p>Jason Trowbridge<br>Southern Angus Farms<br>Alberta Canada
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[email protected]
<p><br>I recently looked into this myself, as we are considering flushing one of our registered cows.<p>Here in central's a general idea. The clinic prefers to have the flush cow there for 25-30 days. Board is $4.50 a day for the flush cow, and $3.00 a day for the recip cows. (If you bring your own.) They have to synchronize the flush cow with the recips..or you can synchronize the recips at home, and bring them in to be implanted when the embryos are ready. Either way, you have to make sure you have enough recips for the embryos harvested. (The conception rate falls dramatically if you have the embyros frozen) It costs $270 for the initial flush, and $65 to implant into the recips. The clinic that I talked to also has recips available, at a cost of $1250 each, bred with the embyro. <p>Like Jason mentioned, if you are interested in increasing your purebred herd, going to a couple of good registered sales may be more cost effective.
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If you are still interested in embryo work. We do embryo flushing on your farm. If you are still interested in flushing let us know. Maybe we can help.
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[email protected]

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