I'm going to be in trouble.

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Jan 16, 2006
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My 2 1/2 year old grandson was insisting on riding home with me tonight. "I go with you Poppa, in the TRUCK." So we moved the car seat into the truck and started home. John Denver was on the radio and he was flailing his arms so I turned up the radio. He's trying to sing so I start yelling, "WHEW! Thank God I'm and country boy. YA!" He is busting out laughing so we do that over and over coming home. He didn't stop. He ran around the house singing that for an hour or so. His Momma called to check on him, gets him on the phone and he yells, "WHEW! Thank God I'm and country boy. YA!" over and over and laughing afterward each time. Then he hands the phone back to me and wants to go play. Never a "Bye Mom I love you" or anything else.
I dont think youare going to be in as much trouble as my brother bhb. He taught his to grab himself like baseball player and say " I got your Michael Jackson". Way too funny to us but definetly not to his mom, darn kid went around doing it for a year. :lol2:
Yep, he's going to be yelling that for at least 4 months. :lol2: :lol2: Much to the dismay of my SIL, I taught my nephew a little trick too. We were joking around and he was doing some Kung Fu moves when I held my fist to his face and said "smell this". Well he liked this a lot! Way too much! Three years later he still greets me with a fist and a "smell this". :lol2: :lol2:
For some unknown reason, my grand-daughter keeps telling her mom that she wants fried possum for dinner. Imagine that...
grannysoo":27418s57 said:
For some unknown reason, my grand-daughter keeps telling her mom that she wants fried possum for dinner. Imagine that...

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Sun cured or fresh? :lol2: :lol2:
Grandson helped me AI a few cows when he was 3. His Momma was shocked to learn how this was done, from her 3 year old . Needless to say i did get a call.
At least you don't have a kid that walks around in public MOooing. She's dose it not matter where we are every few minutes you will hear calf and a mamma mooing at each other. But on the up side she's getting good at bouncing it off different walls so people think there are cows loose in the mall, grocery store, restaurant, moovies, park, or where ever she decides there needs to be a moo.

I can think of worse things for kids to do.

I know a 5 year old boy that his day taught him to say "she's hot daddy" when a chick walks up to them. Well he says this every time a female walks up to them no matter how young or old they are.

I have gotten a few calls form school did you know your kid said this? The best call so far was after the first day of sex ED for my kid. I had to go to school and the sex ED teacher could not keep a straight face when she told me. My kid told everyone how to do a pregnancy test. I'm just glad I never let her help on one.
Red Bull Breeder said:
Grandson helped me AI a few cows when he was 3. His Momma was shocked to learn how this was done, from her 3 year old . Needless to say i did get a call.[/quote

Yup, grand kid was curious about the "thing" hanging down between the bulls hind legs. I explained it to her, her Mom had to explain to her that she didn't need to tell her friends at school about bull balls....and some other stuff she saw/learned at the farm. ;-)
mobgrazer":mse83we9 said:
My kid told everyone how to do a pregnancy test. I'm just glad I never let her help on one.

That's a classic.

They all are.

Grandkids are the best thing ever!
Will have to agree with Backhoe Grandkids are great. Would have been priceless to have seen other grannys face the grandson told her how to AI a cow in great detail. He told her Paw had one arm up her butt and put this little metal thing in her and shot the bull jucie to her.
Jogeephus":1vftjj1u said:
grannysoo":1vftjj1u said:
For some unknown reason, my grand-daughter keeps telling her mom that she wants fried possum for dinner. Imagine that...

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Sun cured or fresh? :lol2: :lol2:

Fresh from the roadside cafe. :lol2:
I like to teach my Baylor, UT, and Texas Tech friend's kids how to do the Gig 'em sign. (Somebody has got to try to help them.) :lol2: :lol2:
Hey backhoeboogie and the rest.........

Go ahead and enjoy the spoiling part and the humor that goes with it.

I have found out that it is easier to get forgiveness than to get permission. ;-)

On a different note, I really wish I had never hit my thumb with the hammer that day my oldest boy was helping me. :oops:
I still remember the day,, we were driving through the country side and my oldest niece {3 at the time} says when we have to stop because there are cows crossing the road,,,,,"what the f%^k are those doing in the middle of the "goshdarn" road?" I was in so much shock that all I could do was laugh..I of course blamed her potty mouth on Mr. HD to her mom,, but I know her mommy has a potty mouth worse than a truckers.. :lol:

You could do way worse BHB ,,I think that's still a pretty cool song.. except I say girl.. :D
Its a whole lot better than my 3 yr old nephew's fav. song at the moment ... 'Sex on fire'

I get these strange looks when we are in the supermarket and all of a sudden the kid sings 'sex is on fire' at the top of his voice. Or when we are standing in the checkout and he is just muttering it quietly to himself :lol2:
I'm always surprised by the things ranch kids hear/learn at a young age. Like the time I happened by my vet's clinic on a day when he was doing a castration on a yearling colt. Colt's owners and vet's two daughters (3 and 5) were all standing around watching, when the 5 y/o asked my vet what he was doing. Here I am expecting an edited, kid-level version of the surgery, and my vet just casually picks up the testicles, shows them off, and explains in detail exactly what he's done to the colt -- and the two girls just nod sagely like they understand perfectly. Maybe they do. :eek: LOL.
backhoeboogie":1h19werf said:
My 2 1/2 year old grandson was insisting on riding home with me tonight. "I go with you Poppa, in the TRUCK." So we moved the car seat into the truck and started home. John Denver was on the radio and he was flailing his arms so I turned up the radio. He's trying to sing so I start yelling, "WHEW! Thank God I'm and country boy. YA!" He is busting out laughing so we do that over and over coming home. He didn't stop. He ran around the house singing that for an hour or so. His Momma called to check on him, gets him on the phone and he yells, "WHEW! Thank God I'm and country boy. YA!" over and over and laughing afterward each time. Then he hands the phone back to me and wants to go play. Never a "Bye Mom I love you" or anything else.

Hey Backhoe, sounds like you're both having fun . He's lucky to have you, you're lucky to have him !

My youngest daughter was about 3 when we were gathering about 30 yrlng colts she was riding with the wife and the colts were feeling good running and bucking and farting
One really nice black colt jumps and farts and takes off and blows manure out the daughter says look daddy he had FART CRUMBS
we still harass her about that
I had never heard that one before :lol:

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