The last 2 years i have chosen my bulls by messaging Simme. He understands what i like and knows EPD's better than i do. He sends me pictures and tells me when to come get them.
Anyone in the south east , that was looking for a Simental or SimmAngus bull, I would recommend
@simme without hesitation. If I was looking for a Simm or SimmAngus bull for myself, I would do exactly like you do,
@kenny thomas .The man knows what he is doing,.. and has a stellar reputation for honesty and integrity. And there are others like him in other parts of the country, and with other breeds. Same thing with an Angus bull. If I was looking for a top registered Angus bull, I would message or call
@gizmom . EPD's, and bloodlines, and sales catalouges ,websites, etc, are good tools , no doubt. So is driving around the country looking at bulls, if you have the time. But, I think the most valuable of all, is finding a reputable breeder with satisfied clients that you can talk to, and CT forums is an excellent source. I have formed my opinion of
@simme ,
@gizmom ,
@Jeanne - Simme Valley , and others from the information they share here, and their websites and/or social media sites, for sure. But a BIG part of it, is what
clients.... say about them, their operations, and their bulls.