> Tod It has nothing to do with the
> beefyness of the cattle. It is the
> head shape and coloring, and the
> scurs. I said most red breeders
> were good, but there are too many
> scurs showing in the imported red
> cattle from the States, from one
> or two major operations that have
> multiple breeds mostly.
> Any black Angus bull with scurs
> would have his registration
> pulled, and any red Angus bull in
> Canada would be subject to the
> same as the breeds are in the same
> herd book here.
> To get positive results that a
> bull has no scurs, I have been
> told it requires an x-ray. They
> can appear to be smooth yet have
> the scur gene.
> Jason
no you would need a karyotype to see if he carried the gene. x-ray i guess could find physical scurs but to find the gene as i said you would need a karyotype.
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